You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import React, { createContext, useContext, useMemo, useReducer } from 'react'
/** Takes options that fully define a store and turns it into a more potent reducer */
export const usePotentReducer = options => {
const { reducer = {}, thunks = {}, initialState } = options
const { onUpdate, logging } = options
const reducerFn = useMemo(
() => makeReducerFn(reducer, { onUpdate, logging }),
[reducer, onUpdate, logging]
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducerFn, initialState)
const _thunks = useMemo(() => bindThunks(thunks, dispatch), [
return [state, _thunks]
/** A ReducerStore Factory that uses React.context
* Used to make a Store accessible through multiple components
export const createStore = options => {
const context = createContext(null)
const Provider = ({ children }) => {
const store = usePotentReducer(options)
return React.createElement(context.Provider, { value: store }, children)
const useStore = () => useContext(context)
const useSelector = selector => selector(useContext(context)[0])
return { Provider, Consumer: context.Consumer, useStore, useSelector }
/** Turn a reducer definition object to a function
* @param {Object} reducer: Object definition of a reducer: {<type>: (state, payload) => <newState>}
* @returns {Function}: Proper reducer
function makeReducerFn(reducer, { onUpdate, logging }) {
const noop = state => state
return (prevState, action) => {
const { type, ...payload } = action
const reducerBranch = reducer[type] || reducer['default'] || noop
const nextState = reducerBranch(prevState, payload)
const stats = { prevState, nextState, action }
typeof onUpdate === 'function' && onUpdate(stats)
if (logging) logger(stats)
return nextState
/** Returns a set of actions that are bound to the store
* @param {Object} actions: {<name>: payload => ({dispatch, type}) => }
function bindThunks(thunks, dispatch) {
const _thunks = {}
for (let name of Object.keys(thunks)) {
const defaultType = camelToSnakeCase(name).toUpperCase()
_thunks[name] = (...args) =>
thunks[name](...args)(patchDispatch(dispatch, defaultType))
return _thunks
const camelToSnakeCase = str =>
str.replace(/[A-Z]/g, letter => `_${letter.toLowerCase()}`)
/** Returns a dispatch function that fills in a default type if none is given */
function patchDispatch(dispatch, type) {
return action => {
dispatch({ type, ...action })
/** Log action inspired by redux-logger */
const logger = ({ prevState, action, nextState }) => {
const css = color => `color: ${color}; font-weight: bold;`
console.groupCollapsed(`%c action`, 'color: #9E9E9E', action.type)
console.log('%c prevState ', css('#9E9E9E'), prevState)
console.log('%c action ', css('#03A9F4'), action)
console.log('%c nextState ', css('#4CAF50'), nextState)