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<html lang="de">
<title>Hyphenator.js – Test 25</title>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<style type="text/css">
body {
#test {
background-color: #ffd6d6;
#ref1 {
display: none;
#ref2 {
background-color: #d6ffd6;
<script src="../Hyphenator.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
if (parent != window) {
'onhyphenationdonecallback': function () {
var t = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML,
r1 = document.getElementById('ref1').innerHTML,
r2 = document.getElementById('ref2').innerHTML,
desc = document.getElementById('desc').firstChild.data,
msg = {
desc: desc,
index: 25
}, r = true;
r = r && (t == r2);
t = document.getElementById('test').innerHTML;
r = r && (t == r1);
if (r) {
msg.result = 'passed';
} else {
msg.result = 'failed';
parent.postMessage(JSON.stringify(msg), window.location.href);
var hyphenatorSettings = {
hyphenchar: '|',
togglebox: function () {
var myelem = document.getElementById('hyphenationbutton'),
color = Hyphenator.doHyphenation ? '#00FF00' : '#FF0000';
myelem.style.color = color;
myelem.onclick = Hyphenator.toggleHyphenation;
displaytogglebox: true
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<h1>Test 25</h1>
<p id="desc">Set a proprietary toogle box.</p>
<p id="hyphenationbutton">toggle hyphenation</p>
<p id="test" class="hyphenate" lang="en">To allow more efficient usage of paper, more regular appearance of right-side margins without requiring spacing adjustments, and to eliminate the need to erase hand-written long words begun near the end of a line that do not fit, words may be divided at the nearest breakpoint between syllables and a hyphen inserted to indicate that the letters form a word fragment, not a word.</p>
<p id="ref1">To allow more efficient usage of paper, more regular appearance of right-side margins without requiring spacing adjustments, and to eliminate the need to erase hand-written long words begun near the end of a line that do not fit, words may be divided at the nearest breakpoint between syllables and a hyphen inserted to indicate that the letters form a word fragment, not a word.</p>
<p id="ref2">To allow more ef|fi|cient usage of paper, more reg|u|lar ap|pear|ance of right-side mar|gins with|out re|quir|ing spac|ing ad|just|ments, and to elim|i|nate the need to erase hand-writ|ten long words begun near the end of a line that do not fit, words may be di|vided at the near|est break|point be|tween syl|la|bles and a hy|phen in|serted to in|di|cate that the let|ters form a word frag|ment, not a word.</p>
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