// jslint.js // 2013-04-09 // Copyright (c) 2002 Douglas Crockford (www.JSLint.com) // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. // WARNING: JSLint will hurt your feelings. // JSLINT is a global function. It takes two parameters. // var myResult = JSLINT(source, option); // The first parameter is either a string or an array of strings. If it is a // string, it will be split on '\n' or '\r'. If it is an array of strings, it // is assumed that each string represents one line. The source can be a // JavaScript text or a JSON text. // The second parameter is an optional object of options that control the // operation of JSLINT. Most of the options are booleans: They are all // optional and have a default value of false. One of the options, predef, // can be an array of names, which will be used to declare global variables, // or an object whose keys are used as global names, with a boolean value // that determines if they are assignable. // If it checks out, JSLINT returns true. Otherwise, it returns false. // If false, you can inspect JSLINT.errors to find out the problems. // JSLINT.errors is an array of objects containing these properties: // { // line : The line (relative to 0) at which the lint was found // character : The character (relative to 0) at which the lint was found // reason : The problem // evidence : The text line in which the problem occurred // raw : The raw message before the details were inserted // a : The first detail // b : The second detail // c : The third detail // d : The fourth detail // } // If a stopping error was found, a null will be the last element of the // JSLINT.errors array. A stopping error means that JSLint was not confident // enough to continue. It does not necessarily mean that the error was // especially heinous. // You can request a data structure that contains JSLint's results. // var myData = JSLINT.data(); // It returns a structure with this form: // { // errors: [ // { // line: NUMBER, // character: NUMBER, // reason: STRING, // evidence: STRING // } // ], // functions: [ // { // name: STRING, // line: NUMBER, // last: NUMBER, // params: [ // { // string: STRING // } // ], // closure: [ // STRING // ], // var: [ // STRING // ], // exception: [ // STRING // ], // outer: [ // STRING // ], // unused: [ // STRING // ], // undef: [ // STRING // ], // global: [ // STRING // ], // label: [ // STRING // ] // } // ], // globals: [ // STRING // ], // member: { // STRING: NUMBER // }, // urls: [ // STRING // ], // json: BOOLEAN // } // Empty arrays will not be included. // You can request a Function Report, which shows all of the functions // and the parameters and vars that they use. This can be used to find // implied global variables and other problems. The report is in HTML and // can be inserted in an HTML
. It should be given the result of the // JSLINT.data function. // var myReport = JSLINT.report(data); // You can request an HTML error report. // var myErrorReport = JSLINT.error_report(data); // You can obtain an object containing all of the properties found in the // file. JSLINT.property contains an object containing a key for each // property used in the program, the value being the number of times that // property name was used in the file. // You can request a properties report, which produces a list of the program's // properties in the form of a /*properties*/ declaration. // var myPropertyReport = JSLINT.properties_report(JSLINT.property); // You can obtain the parse tree that JSLint constructed while parsing. The // latest tree is kept in JSLINT.tree. A nice stringification can be produced // with // JSON.stringify(JSLINT.tree, [ // 'string', 'arity', 'name', 'first', // 'second', 'third', 'block', 'else' // ], 4)); // You can request a context coloring table. It contains information that can be // applied to the file that was analyzed. Context coloring colors functions // based on their nesting level, and variables on the color of the functions // in which they are defined. // var myColorization = JSLINT.color(data); // It returns an array containing objects of this form: // { // from: COLUMN, // thru: COLUMN, // line: ROW, // level: 0 or higher // } // JSLint provides three inline directives. They look like slashstar comments, // and allow for setting options, declaring global variables, and establishing a // set of allowed property names. // These directives respect function scope. // The jslint directive is a special comment that can set one or more options. // For example: /*jslint es5: true, evil: true, nomen: true, regexp: true, todo: true */ // The current option set is // bitwise true, if bitwise operators should be allowed // browser true, if the standard browser globals should be predefined // closure true, if Google Closure idioms should be tolerated // continue true, if the continuation statement should be tolerated // debug true, if debugger statements should be allowed // devel true, if logging should be allowed (console, alert, etc.) // eqeq true, if == should be allowed // es5 true, if ES5 syntax should be allowed // evil true, if eval should be allowed // forin true, if for in statements need not filter // indent the indentation factor // maxerr the maximum number of errors to allow // maxlen the maximum length of a source line // newcap true, if constructor names capitalization is ignored // node true, if Node.js globals should be predefined // nomen true, if names may have dangling _ // passfail true, if the scan should stop on first error // plusplus true, if increment/decrement should be allowed // properties true, if all property names must be declared with /*properties*/ // regexp true, if the . should be allowed in regexp literals // rhino true, if the Rhino environment globals should be predefined // undef true, if variables can be declared out of order // unparam true, if unused parameters should be tolerated // sloppy true, if the 'use strict'; pragma is optional // stupid true, if really stupid practices are tolerated // sub true, if all forms of subscript notation are tolerated // todo true, if TODO comments are tolerated // vars true, if multiple var statements per function should be allowed // white true, if sloppy whitespace is tolerated // windows true, if MS Windows-specific globals should be predefined // The properties directive declares an exclusive list of property names. // Any properties named in the program that are not in the list will // produce a warning. // For example: /*properties '\b', '\t', '\n', '\f', '\r', '!', '!=', '!==', '"', '%', '\'', '(arguments)', '(begin)', '(breakage)', '(context)', '(error)', '(identifier)', '(level)', '(line)', '(loopage)', '(name)', '(params)', '(scope)', '(token)', '(vars)', '(verb)', '*', '+', '-', '/', '<', '<=', '==', '===', '>', '>=', '\\', a, a_label, a_scope, already_defined, and, apply, arity, assign, assign_exception, assignment_function_expression, at, avoid_a, b, bad_assignment, bad_constructor, bad_in_a, bad_invocation, bad_new, bad_number, bad_operand, bad_wrap, bitwise, block, browser, c, call, charAt, charCodeAt, character, closure, color, combine_var, comments, conditional_assignment, confusing_a, confusing_regexp, constructor_name_a, continue, control_a, couch, create, d, dangling_a, data, debug, deleted, devel, disrupt, duplicate_a, edge, edition, else, empty_block, empty_case, empty_class, entityify, eqeq, error_report, errors, es5, evidence, evil, exception, exec, expected_a, expected_a_at_b_c, expected_a_b, expected_a_b_from_c_d, expected_id_a, expected_identifier_a, expected_identifier_a_reserved, expected_number_a, expected_operator_a, expected_positive_a, expected_small_a, expected_space_a_b, expected_string_a, f, filter, first, flag, floor, forEach, for_if, forin, from, fromCharCode, fud, function, function_block, function_eval, function_loop, function_statement, function_strict, functions, global, globals, hasOwnProperty, id, identifier, identifier_function, immed, implied_evil, indent, indexOf, infix_in, init, insecure_a, isAlpha, isArray, isDigit, isNaN, join, jslint, json, keys, label, labeled, lbp, leading_decimal_a, led, left, length, level, line, match, maxerr, maxlen, message, missing_a, missing_a_after_b, missing_property, missing_space_a_b, missing_use_strict, mode, move_invocation, move_var, n, name, name_function, nested_comment, newcap, node, nomen, not, not_a_constructor, not_a_defined, not_a_function, not_a_label, not_a_scope, not_greater, nud, number, octal_a, open, outer, parameter_a_get_b, parameter_arguments_a, parameter_set_a, params, paren, passfail, plusplus, postscript, predef, properties, properties_report, property, prototype, push, quote, r, radix, raw, read_only, reason, regexp, relation, replace, report, reserved, reserved_a, rhino, right, scanned_a_b, search, second, shift, slash_equal, slice, sloppy, sort, split, statement_block, stopping, strange_loop, strict, string, stupid, sub, subscript, substr, supplant, sync_a, t, tag_a_in_b, test, third, thru, toString, todo, todo_comment, token, tokens, too_long, too_many, trailing_decimal_a, tree, unclosed, unclosed_comment, unclosed_regexp, undef, undefined, unescaped_a, unexpected_a, unexpected_char_a, unexpected_comment, unexpected_else, unexpected_label_a, unexpected_property_a, unexpected_space_a_b, unexpected_typeof_a, unnecessary_initialize, unnecessary_use, unparam, unreachable_a_b, unsafe, unused, url, urls, use_array, use_braces, use_object, use_or, use_param, use_spaces, used_before_a, var, var_a_not, vars, was, weird_assignment, weird_condition, weird_new, weird_program, weird_relation, weird_ternary, white, windows, wrap, wrap_immediate, wrap_regexp, write_is_wrong, writeable */ // The global directive is used to declare global variables that can // be accessed by the program. If a declaration is true, then the variable // is writeable. Otherwise, it is read-only. // We build the application inside a function so that we produce only a single // global variable. That function will be invoked immediately, and its return // value is the JSLINT function itself. That function is also an object that // can contain data and other functions. var JSLINT = (function () { 'use strict'; function array_to_object(array, value) { // Make an object from an array of keys and a common value. var i, length = array.length, object = {}; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { object[array[i]] = value; } return object; } var allowed_option = { bitwise : true, browser : true, closure : true, continue : true, couch : true, debug : true, devel : true, eqeq : true, es5 : true, evil : true, forin : true, indent : 10, maxerr : 1000, maxlen : 256, newcap : true, node : true, nomen : true, passfail : true, plusplus : true, properties: true, regexp : true, rhino : true, undef : true, unparam : true, sloppy : true, stupid : true, sub : true, todo : true, vars : true, white : true, windows : true }, anonname, // The guessed name for anonymous functions. // These are operators that should not be used with the ! operator. bang = { '<' : true, '<=' : true, '==' : true, '===': true, '!==': true, '!=' : true, '>' : true, '>=' : true, '+' : true, '-' : true, '*' : true, '/' : true, '%' : true }, begin, // The root token // browser contains a set of global names that are commonly provided by a // web browser environment. browser = array_to_object([ 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'document', 'event', 'FormData', 'frames', 'history', 'Image', 'localStorage', 'location', 'name', 'navigator', 'Option', 'parent', 'screen', 'sessionStorage', 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', 'Storage', 'window', 'XMLHttpRequest' ], false), // bundle contains the text messages. bundle = { a_label: "'{a}' is a statement label.", a_scope: "'{a}' used out of scope.", already_defined: "'{a}' is already defined.", and: "The '&&' subexpression should be wrapped in parens.", assign_exception: "Do not assign to the exception parameter.", assignment_function_expression: "Expected an assignment or " + "function call and instead saw an expression.", avoid_a: "Avoid '{a}'.", bad_assignment: "Bad assignment.", bad_constructor: "Bad constructor.", bad_in_a: "Bad for in variable '{a}'.", bad_invocation: "Bad invocation.", bad_new: "Do not use 'new' for side effects.", bad_number: "Bad number '{a}'.", bad_operand: "Bad operand.", bad_wrap: "Do not wrap function literals in parens unless they " + "are to be immediately invoked.", combine_var: "Combine this with the previous 'var' statement.", conditional_assignment: "Expected a conditional expression and " + "instead saw an assignment.", confusing_a: "Confusing use of '{a}'.", confusing_regexp: "Confusing regular expression.", constructor_name_a: "A constructor name '{a}' should start with " + "an uppercase letter.", control_a: "Unexpected control character '{a}'.", dangling_a: "Unexpected dangling '_' in '{a}'.", deleted: "Only properties should be deleted.", duplicate_a: "Duplicate '{a}'.", empty_block: "Empty block.", empty_case: "Empty case.", empty_class: "Empty class.", es5: "This is an ES5 feature.", evil: "eval is evil.", expected_a: "Expected '{a}'.", expected_a_b: "Expected '{a}' and instead saw '{b}'.", expected_a_b_from_c_d: "Expected '{a}' to match '{b}' from line " + "{c} and instead saw '{d}'.", expected_a_at_b_c: "Expected '{a}' at column {b}, not column {c}.", expected_id_a: "Expected an id, and instead saw #{a}.", expected_identifier_a: "Expected an identifier and instead saw '{a}'.", expected_identifier_a_reserved: "Expected an identifier and " + "instead saw '{a}' (a reserved word).", expected_number_a: "Expected a number and instead saw '{a}'.", expected_operator_a: "Expected an operator and instead saw '{a}'.", expected_positive_a: "Expected a positive number and instead saw '{a}'", expected_small_a: "Expected a small positive integer and instead saw '{a}'", expected_space_a_b: "Expected exactly one space between '{a}' and '{b}'.", expected_string_a: "Expected a string and instead saw '{a}'.", for_if: "The body of a for in should be wrapped in an if " + "statement to filter unwanted properties from the prototype.", function_block: "Function statements should not be placed in blocks." + "Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of " + "the outer function.", function_eval: "The Function constructor is eval.", function_loop: "Don't make functions within a loop.", function_statement: "Function statements are not invocable." + "Wrap the whole function invocation in parens.", function_strict: "Use the function form of 'use strict'.", identifier_function: "Expected an identifier in an assignment " + "and instead saw a function invocation.", implied_evil: "Implied eval is evil. Pass a function instead of a string.", infix_in: "Unexpected 'in'. Compare with undefined, or use the " + "hasOwnProperty method instead.", insecure_a: "Insecure '{a}'.", isNaN: "Use the isNaN function to compare with NaN.", leading_decimal_a: "A leading decimal point can be confused with a dot: '.{a}'.", missing_a: "Missing '{a}'.", missing_a_after_b: "Missing '{a}' after '{b}'.", missing_property: "Missing property name.", missing_space_a_b: "Missing space between '{a}' and '{b}'.", missing_use_strict: "Missing 'use strict' statement.", move_invocation: "Move the invocation into the parens that " + "contain the function.", move_var: "Move 'var' declarations to the top of the function.", name_function: "Missing name in function statement.", nested_comment: "Nested comment.", not: "Nested not.", not_a_constructor: "Do not use {a} as a constructor.", not_a_defined: "'{a}' has not been fully defined yet.", not_a_function: "'{a}' is not a function.", not_a_label: "'{a}' is not a label.", not_a_scope: "'{a}' is out of scope.", not_greater: "'{a}' should not be greater than '{b}'.", octal_a: "Don't use octal: '{a}'. Use '\\u....' instead.", parameter_arguments_a: "Do not mutate parameter '{a}' when using 'arguments'.", parameter_a_get_b: "Unexpected parameter '{a}' in get {b} function.", parameter_set_a: "Expected parameter (value) in set {a} function.", radix: "Missing radix parameter.", read_only: "Read only.", reserved_a: "Reserved name '{a}'.", scanned_a_b: "{a} ({b}% scanned).", slash_equal: "A regular expression literal can be confused with '/='.", statement_block: "Expected to see a statement and instead saw a block.", stopping: "Stopping.", strange_loop: "Strange loop.", strict: "Strict violation.", subscript: "['{a}'] is better written in dot notation.", sync_a: "Unexpected sync method: '{a}'.", tag_a_in_b: "A '<{a}>' must be within '<{b}>'.", todo_comment: "Unexpected TODO comment.", too_long: "Line too long.", too_many: "Too many errors.", trailing_decimal_a: "A trailing decimal point can be confused " + "with a dot: '.{a}'.", unclosed: "Unclosed string.", unclosed_comment: "Unclosed comment.", unclosed_regexp: "Unclosed regular expression.", unescaped_a: "Unescaped '{a}'.", unexpected_a: "Unexpected '{a}'.", unexpected_char_a: "Unexpected character '{a}'.", unexpected_comment: "Unexpected comment.", unexpected_else: "Unexpected 'else' after 'return'.", unexpected_label_a: "Unexpected label '{a}'.", unexpected_property_a: "Unexpected /*property*/ '{a}'.", unexpected_space_a_b: "Unexpected space between '{a}' and '{b}'.", unexpected_typeof_a: "Unexpected 'typeof'. " + "Use '===' to compare directly with {a}.", unnecessary_initialize: "It is not necessary to initialize '{a}' " + "to 'undefined'.", unnecessary_use: "Unnecessary 'use strict'.", unreachable_a_b: "Unreachable '{a}' after '{b}'.", unsafe: "Unsafe character.", url: "JavaScript URL.", use_array: "Use the array literal notation [].", use_braces: "Spaces are hard to count. Use {{a}}.", use_object: "Use the object literal notation {}.", use_or: "Use the || operator.", use_param: "Use a named parameter.", use_spaces: "Use spaces, not tabs.", used_before_a: "'{a}' was used before it was defined.", var_a_not: "Variable {a} was not declared correctly.", weird_assignment: "Weird assignment.", weird_condition: "Weird condition.", weird_new: "Weird construction. Delete 'new'.", weird_program: "Weird program.", weird_relation: "Weird relation.", weird_ternary: "Weird ternary.", wrap_immediate: "Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses " + "to assist the reader in understanding that the expression " + "is the result of a function, and not the function itself.", wrap_regexp: "Wrap the /regexp/ literal in parens to " + "disambiguate the slash operator.", write_is_wrong: "document.write can be a form of eval." }, closure = array_to_object([ 'goog' ], false), comments, comments_off, couch = array_to_object([ 'emit' ], false), descapes = { 'b': '\b', 't': '\t', 'n': '\n', 'f': '\f', 'r': '\r', '"': '"', '/': '/', '\\': '\\', '!': '!' }, devel = array_to_object([ 'alert', 'confirm', 'console', 'Debug', 'opera', 'prompt', 'WSH' ], false), directive, escapes = { '\b': '\\b', '\t': '\\t', '\n': '\\n', '\f': '\\f', '\r': '\\r', '\'': '\\\'', '"' : '\\"', '/' : '\\/', '\\': '\\\\' }, funct, // The current function, including the labels used in // the function, as well as (breakage), // (context), (loopage), (name), (params), (token), // (vars), (verb) functionicity = [ 'closure', 'exception', 'global', 'label', 'outer', 'undef', 'unused', 'var' ], functions, // All of the functions global_funct, // The global body global_scope, // The global scope in_block, indent, itself, // JSLint itself json_mode, lex, // the tokenizer lines, lookahead, node = array_to_object([ 'Buffer', 'clearInterval', 'clearTimeout', 'console', 'exports', 'global', 'module', 'process', 'querystring', 'require', 'setInterval', 'setTimeout', '__dirname', '__filename' ], false), node_js, numbery = array_to_object(['indexOf', 'lastIndexOf', 'search'], true), next_token, option, predefined, // Global variables defined by option prereg, prev_token, property, regexp_flag = array_to_object(['g', 'i', 'm'], true), return_this = function return_this() { return this; }, rhino = array_to_object([ 'defineClass', 'deserialize', 'gc', 'help', 'load', 'loadClass', 'print', 'quit', 'readFile', 'readUrl', 'runCommand', 'seal', 'serialize', 'spawn', 'sync', 'toint32', 'version' ], false), scope, // An object containing an object for each variable in scope semicolon_coda = array_to_object([';', '"', '\'', ')'], true), stack, // standard contains the global names that are provided by the // ECMAScript standard. standard = array_to_object([ 'Array', 'Boolean', 'Date', 'decodeURI', 'decodeURIComponent', 'encodeURI', 'encodeURIComponent', 'Error', 'eval', 'EvalError', 'Function', 'isFinite', 'isNaN', 'JSON', 'Math', 'Number', 'Object', 'parseInt', 'parseFloat', 'RangeError', 'ReferenceError', 'RegExp', 'String', 'SyntaxError', 'TypeError', 'URIError' ], false), strict_mode, syntax = {}, tab, token, tokens, urls, var_mode, warnings, windows = array_to_object([ 'ActiveXObject', 'CScript', 'Debug', 'Enumerator', 'System', 'VBArray', 'WScript', 'WSH' ], false), // Regular expressions. Some of these are stupidly long. // carriage return, carriage return linefeed, or linefeed crlfx = /\r\n?|\n/, // unsafe characters that are silently deleted by one or more browsers cx = /[\u0000-\u0008\u000a-\u001f\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/, // identifier ix = /^([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*)$/, // javascript url jx = /^(?:javascript|jscript|ecmascript|vbscript|mocha|livescript)\s*:/i, // star slash lx = /\*\/|\/\*/, // characters in strings that need escapement nx = /[\u0000-\u001f'\\\u007f-\u009f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, // sync syx = /Sync$/, // comment todo tox = /^\W*to\s*do(?:\W|$)/i, // token tx = /^\s*([(){}\[\]\?.,:;'"~#@`]|={1,3}|\/(\*(jslint|properties|property|members?|globals?)?|=|\/)?|\*[\/=]?|\+(?:=|\++)?|-(?:=|-+)?|[\^%]=?|&[&=]?|\|[|=]?|>{1,3}=?|<(?:[\/=!]|\!(\[|--)?|<=?)?|\!(\!|==?)?|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*|[0-9]+(?:[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|\.[0-9]*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?[0-9]+)?)/; function F() {} // Used by Object.create // Provide critical ES5 functions to ES3. if (typeof Array.prototype.filter !== 'function') { Array.prototype.filter = function (f) { var i, length = this.length, result = [], value; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { try { value = this[i]; if (f(value)) { result.push(value); } } catch (ignore) { } } return result; }; } if (typeof Array.prototype.forEach !== 'function') { Array.prototype.forEach = function (f) { var i, length = this.length; for (i = 0; i < length; i += 1) { try { f(this[i]); } catch (ignore) { } } }; } if (typeof Array.isArray !== 'function') { Array.isArray = function (o) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(o) === '[object Array]'; }; } if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(Object, 'create')) { Object.create = function (o) { F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; } if (typeof Object.keys !== 'function') { Object.keys = function (o) { var array = [], key; for (key in o) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, key)) { array.push(key); } } return array; }; } if (typeof String.prototype.entityify !== 'function') { String.prototype.entityify = function () { return this .replace(/&/g, '&') .replace(//g, '>'); }; } if (typeof String.prototype.isAlpha !== 'function') { String.prototype.isAlpha = function () { return (this >= 'a' && this <= 'z\uffff') || (this >= 'A' && this <= 'Z\uffff'); }; } if (typeof String.prototype.isDigit !== 'function') { String.prototype.isDigit = function () { return (this >= '0' && this <= '9'); }; } if (typeof String.prototype.supplant !== 'function') { String.prototype.supplant = function (o) { return this.replace(/\{([^{}]*)\}/g, function (a, b) { var replacement = o[b]; return typeof replacement === 'string' || typeof replacement === 'number' ? replacement : a; }); }; } function sanitize(a) { // Escapify a troublesome character. return escapes[a] || '\\u' + ('0000' + a.charCodeAt().toString(16)).slice(-4); } function add_to_predefined(group) { Object.keys(group).forEach(function (name) { predefined[name] = group[name]; }); } function assume() { if (option.browser) { add_to_predefined(browser); option.browser = false; } if (option.closure) { add_to_predefined(closure); } if (option.couch) { add_to_predefined(couch); option.couch = false; } if (option.devel) { add_to_predefined(devel); option.devel = false; } if (option.node) { add_to_predefined(node); option.node = false; node_js = true; } if (option.rhino) { add_to_predefined(rhino); option.rhino = false; } if (option.windows) { add_to_predefined(windows); option.windows = false; } } // Produce an error warning. function artifact(tok) { if (!tok) { tok = next_token; } return tok.number || tok.string; } function quit(message, line, character) { throw { name: 'JSLintError', line: line, character: character, message: bundle.scanned_a_b.supplant({ a: message, b: Math.floor((line / lines.length) * 100) }) }; } function warn(message, offender, a, b, c, d) { var character, line, warning; offender = offender || next_token; // ~~ line = offender.line || 0; character = offender.from || 0; warning = { id: '(error)', raw: bundle[message] || message, evidence: lines[line - 1] || '', line: line, character: character, a: a || (offender.id === '(number)' ? String(offender.number) : offender.string), b: b, c: c, d: d }; warning.reason = warning.raw.supplant(warning); JSLINT.errors.push(warning); if (option.passfail) { quit(bundle.stopping, line, character); } warnings += 1; if (warnings >= option.maxerr) { quit(bundle.too_many, line, character); } return warning; } function warn_at(message, line, character, a, b, c, d) { return warn(message, { line: line, from: character }, a, b, c, d); } function stop(message, offender, a, b, c, d) { var warning = warn(message, offender, a, b, c, d); quit(bundle.stopping, warning.line, warning.character); } function stop_at(message, line, character, a, b, c, d) { return stop(message, { line: line, from: character }, a, b, c, d); } function expected_at(at) { if (!option.white && next_token.from !== at) { warn('expected_a_at_b_c', next_token, '', at, next_token.from); } } // lexical analysis and token construction lex = (function lex() { var character, c, from, length, line, pos, source_row; // Private lex methods function next_line() { var at; character = 1; source_row = lines[line]; line += 1; if (source_row === undefined) { return false; } at = source_row.search(/\t/); if (at >= 0) { if (option.white) { source_row = source_row.replace(/\t/g, ' '); } else { warn_at('use_spaces', line, at + 1); } } at = source_row.search(cx); if (at >= 0) { warn_at('unsafe', line, at); } if (option.maxlen && option.maxlen < source_row.length) { warn_at('too_long', line, source_row.length); } return true; } // Produce a token object. The token inherits from a syntax symbol. function it(type, value) { var id, the_token; if (type === '(string)') { if (jx.test(value)) { warn_at('url', line, from); } } the_token = Object.create(syntax[( type === '(punctuator)' || (type === '(identifier)' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(syntax, value)) ? value : type )] || syntax['(error)']); if (type === '(identifier)') { the_token.identifier = true; if (value === '__iterator__' || value === '__proto__') { stop_at('reserved_a', line, from, value); } else if (!option.nomen && (value.charAt(0) === '_' || value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '_')) { warn_at('dangling_a', line, from, value); } } if (type === '(number)') { the_token.number = +value; } else if (value !== undefined) { the_token.string = String(value); } the_token.line = line; the_token.from = from; the_token.thru = character; if (comments.length) { the_token.comments = comments; comments = []; } id = the_token.id; prereg = id && ( ('(,=:[!&|?{};~+-*%^<>'.indexOf(id.charAt(id.length - 1)) >= 0) || id === 'return' || id === 'case' ); return the_token; } function match(x) { var exec = x.exec(source_row), first; if (exec) { length = exec[0].length; first = exec[1]; c = first.charAt(0); source_row = source_row.slice(length); from = character + length - first.length; character += length; return first; } for (;;) { if (!source_row) { if (!option.white) { warn_at('unexpected_char_a', line, character - 1, '(space)'); } return; } c = source_row.charAt(0); if (c !== ' ') { break; } source_row = source_row.slice(1); character += 1; } stop_at('unexpected_char_a', line, character, c); } function string(x) { var c, pos = 0, r = '', result; function hex(n) { var i = parseInt(source_row.substr(pos + 1, n), 16); pos += n; if (i >= 32 && i <= 126 && i !== 34 && i !== 92 && i !== 39) { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\'); } character += n; c = String.fromCharCode(i); } if (json_mode && x !== '"') { warn_at('expected_a', line, character, '"'); } for (;;) { while (pos >= source_row.length) { pos = 0; if (!next_line()) { stop_at('unclosed', line - 1, from); } } c = source_row.charAt(pos); if (c === x) { character += 1; source_row = source_row.slice(pos + 1); result = it('(string)', r); result.quote = x; return result; } if (c < ' ') { if (c === '\n' || c === '\r') { break; } warn_at('control_a', line, character + pos, source_row.slice(0, pos)); } else if (c === '\\') { pos += 1; character += 1; c = source_row.charAt(pos); switch (c) { case '': if (!option.es5) { warn_at('es5', line, character); } next_line(); pos = -1; break; case '\'': if (json_mode) { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\\''); } break; case 'u': hex(4); break; case 'v': if (json_mode) { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\v'); } c = '\v'; break; case 'x': if (json_mode) { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '\\x'); } hex(2); break; default: if (typeof descapes[c] !== 'string') { warn_at(c >= '0' && c <= '7' ? 'octal_a' : 'unexpected_a', line, character, '\\' + c); } else { c = descapes[c]; } } } r += c; character += 1; pos += 1; } } function number(snippet) { var digit; if (source_row.charAt(0).isAlpha()) { warn_at('expected_space_a_b', line, character, c, source_row.charAt(0)); } if (c === '0') { digit = snippet.charAt(1); if (digit.isDigit()) { if (token.id !== '.') { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, snippet); } } else if (json_mode && (digit === 'x' || digit === 'X')) { warn_at('unexpected_a', line, character, '0x'); } } if (snippet.slice(snippet.length - 1) === '.') { warn_at('trailing_decimal_a', line, character, snippet); } digit = +snippet; if (!isFinite(digit)) { warn_at('bad_number', line, character, snippet); } snippet = digit; return it('(number)', snippet); } function comment(snippet, type) { if (comments_off) { warn_at('unexpected_comment', line, character); } else if (!option.todo && tox.test(snippet)) { warn_at('todo_comment', line, character); } comments.push({ id: type, from: from, thru: character, line: line, string: snippet }); } function regexp() { var b, bit, captures = 0, depth = 0, flag = '', high, letter, length = 0, low, potential, quote, result; for (;;) { b = true; c = source_row.charAt(length); length += 1; switch (c) { case '': stop_at('unclosed_regexp', line, from); return; case '/': if (depth > 0) { warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '/'); } c = source_row.slice(0, length - 1); potential = Object.create(regexp_flag); for (;;) { letter = source_row.charAt(length); if (potential[letter] !== true) { break; } potential[letter] = false; length += 1; flag += letter; } if (source_row.charAt(length).isAlpha()) { stop_at('unexpected_a', line, from, source_row.charAt(length)); } character += length; source_row = source_row.slice(length); quote = source_row.charAt(0); if (quote === '/' || quote === '*') { stop_at('confusing_regexp', line, from); } result = it('(regexp)', c); result.flag = flag; return result; case '\\': c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c < ' ') { warn_at('control_a', line, from + length, String(c)); } else if (c === '<') { warn_at(bundle.unexpected_a, line, from + length, '\\'); } length += 1; break; case '(': depth += 1; b = false; if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') { length += 1; switch (source_row.charAt(length)) { case ':': case '=': case '!': length += 1; break; default: warn_at(bundle.expected_a_b, line, from + length, ':', source_row.charAt(length)); } } else { captures += 1; } break; case '|': b = false; break; case ')': if (depth === 0) { warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, ')'); } else { depth -= 1; } break; case ' ': pos = 1; while (source_row.charAt(length) === ' ') { length += 1; pos += 1; } if (pos > 1) { warn_at('use_braces', line, from + length, pos); } break; case '[': c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c === '^') { length += 1; if (!option.regexp) { warn_at('insecure_a', line, from + length, c); } else if (source_row.charAt(length) === ']') { stop_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '^'); } } bit = false; if (c === ']') { warn_at('empty_class', line, from + length - 1); bit = true; } klass: do { c = source_row.charAt(length); length += 1; switch (c) { case '[': case '^': warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, c); bit = true; break; case '-': if (bit) { bit = false; } else { warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, '-'); bit = true; } break; case ']': if (!bit) { warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length - 1, '-'); } break klass; case '\\': c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c < ' ') { warn_at(bundle.control_a, line, from + length, String(c)); } else if (c === '<') { warn_at(bundle.unexpected_a, line, from + length, '\\'); } length += 1; bit = true; break; case '/': warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length - 1, '/'); bit = true; break; default: bit = true; } } while (c); break; case '.': if (!option.regexp) { warn_at('insecure_a', line, from + length, c); } break; case ']': case '?': case '{': case '}': case '+': case '*': warn_at('unescaped_a', line, from + length, c); break; } if (b) { switch (source_row.charAt(length)) { case '?': case '+': case '*': length += 1; if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') { length += 1; } break; case '{': length += 1; c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { warn_at(bundle.expected_number_a, line, from + length, c); } length += 1; low = +c; for (;;) { c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { break; } length += 1; low = +c + (low * 10); } high = low; if (c === ',') { length += 1; high = Infinity; c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { length += 1; high = +c; for (;;) { c = source_row.charAt(length); if (c < '0' || c > '9') { break; } length += 1; high = +c + (high * 10); } } } if (source_row.charAt(length) !== '}') { warn_at(bundle.expected_a_b, line, from + length, '}', c); } else { length += 1; } if (source_row.charAt(length) === '?') { length += 1; } if (low > high) { warn_at(bundle.not_greater, line, from + length, low, high); } break; } } } c = source_row.slice(0, length - 1); character += length; source_row = source_row.slice(length); return it('(regexp)', c); } // Public lex methods return { init: function (source) { if (typeof source === 'string') { lines = source.split(crlfx); } else { lines = source; } line = 0; next_line(); from = 1; }, // token -- this is called by advance to get the next token. token: function () { var c, i, snippet; for (;;) { while (!source_row) { if (!next_line()) { return it('(end)'); } } snippet = match(tx); if (snippet) { // identifier c = snippet.charAt(0); if (c.isAlpha() || c === '_' || c === '$') { return it('(identifier)', snippet); } // number if (c.isDigit()) { return number(snippet); } switch (snippet) { // string case '"': case "'": return string(snippet); // // comment case '//': comment(source_row, '//'); source_row = ''; break; // /* comment case '/*': for (;;) { i = source_row.search(lx); if (i >= 0) { break; } character = source_row.length; comment(source_row); from = 0; if (!next_line()) { stop_at('unclosed_comment', line, character); } } comment(source_row.slice(0, i), '/*'); character += i + 2; if (source_row.charAt(i) === '/') { stop_at('nested_comment', line, character); } source_row = source_row.slice(i + 2); break; case '': break; // / case '/': if (token.id === '/=') { stop_at( bundle.slash_equal, line, from ); } return prereg ? regexp() : it('(punctuator)', snippet); // punctuator case ''); } character += 3; source_row = source_row.slice(i + 3); break; default: return it('(punctuator)', snippet); } } } } }; }()); function add_label(token, kind, name) { // Define the symbol in the current function in the current scope. name = name || token.string; if (funct === global_funct) { if (typeof global_funct[name] !== 'string') { token.writeable = typeof predefined[name] === 'boolean' ? predefined[name] : true; global_scope[name] = token; } if (kind === 'becoming') { kind = 'var'; } // Ordinary variables. } else { // Warn if the variable already exists. if (typeof funct[name] === 'string') { if (funct[name] === 'undef') { if (!option.undef) { warn('used_before_a', token, name); } kind = 'var'; } else { warn('already_defined', token, name); } } else { // Add the symbol to the current function. token.writeable = true; scope[name] = token; } } token.function = funct; funct[name] = kind; } function peek(distance) { // Peek ahead to a future token. The distance is how far ahead to look. The // default is the next token. var found, slot = 0; distance = distance || 0; while (slot <= distance) { found = lookahead[slot]; if (!found) { found = lookahead[slot] = lex.token(); } slot += 1; } return found; } function advance(id, match) { // Produce the next token, also looking for programming errors. if (indent) { // If indentation checking was requested, then inspect all of the line breakings. // The var statement is tricky because the names might be aligned or not. We // look at the first line break after the var to determine the programmer's // intention. if (var_mode && next_token.line !== token.line) { if ((var_mode !== indent || !next_token.edge) && next_token.from === indent.at - (next_token.edge ? option.indent : 0)) { var dent = indent; for (;;) { dent.at -= option.indent; if (dent === var_mode) { break; } dent = dent.was; } dent.open = false; } var_mode = null; } if (next_token.id === '?' && indent.mode === ':' && token.line !== next_token.line) { indent.at -= option.indent; } if (indent.open) { // If the token is an edge. if (next_token.edge) { if (next_token.edge === 'label') { expected_at(1); } else if (next_token.edge === 'case' || indent.mode === 'statement') { expected_at(indent.at - option.indent); } else if (indent.mode !== 'array' || next_token.line !== token.line) { expected_at(indent.at); } // If the token is not an edge, but is the first token on the line. } else if (next_token.line !== token.line) { if (next_token.from < indent.at + (indent.mode === 'expression' ? 0 : option.indent)) { expected_at(indent.at + option.indent); } indent.wrap = true; } } else if (next_token.line !== token.line) { if (next_token.edge) { expected_at(indent.at); } else { indent.wrap = true; if (indent.mode === 'statement' || indent.mode === 'var') { expected_at(indent.at + option.indent); } else if (next_token.from < indent.at + (indent.mode === 'expression' ? 0 : option.indent)) { expected_at(indent.at + option.indent); } } } } switch (token.id) { case '(number)': if (next_token.id === '.') { warn('trailing_decimal_a'); } break; case '-': if (next_token.id === '-' || next_token.id === '--') { warn('confusing_a'); } break; case '+': if (next_token.id === '+' || next_token.id === '++') { warn('confusing_a'); } break; } if (token.id === '(string)' || token.identifier) { anonname = token.string; } if (id && next_token.id !== id) { if (match) { warn('expected_a_b_from_c_d', next_token, id, match.id, match.line, artifact()); } else if (!next_token.identifier || next_token.string !== id) { warn('expected_a_b', next_token, id, artifact()); } } prev_token = token; token = next_token; next_token = lookahead.shift() || lex.token(); next_token.function = funct; tokens.push(next_token); } function do_globals() { var name, writeable; for (;;) { if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) { return; } name = next_token.string; advance(); writeable = false; if (next_token.id === ':') { advance(':'); switch (next_token.id) { case 'true': writeable = predefined[name] !== false; advance('true'); break; case 'false': advance('false'); break; default: stop('unexpected_a'); } } predefined[name] = writeable; if (next_token.id !== ',') { return; } advance(','); } } function do_jslint() { var name, value; while (next_token.id === '(string)' || next_token.identifier) { name = next_token.string; if (!allowed_option[name]) { stop('unexpected_a'); } advance(); if (next_token.id !== ':') { stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ':', artifact()); } advance(':'); if (typeof allowed_option[name] === 'number') { value = next_token.number; if (value > allowed_option[name] || value <= 0 || Math.floor(value) !== value) { stop('expected_small_a'); } option[name] = value; } else { if (next_token.id === 'true') { option[name] = true; } else if (next_token.id === 'false') { option[name] = false; } else { stop('unexpected_a'); } } advance(); if (next_token.id === ',') { advance(','); } } assume(); } function do_properties() { var name; option.properties = true; for (;;) { if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) { return; } name = next_token.string; advance(); if (next_token.id === ':') { for (;;) { advance(); if (next_token.id !== '(string)' && !next_token.identifier) { break; } } } property[name] = 0; if (next_token.id !== ',') { return; } advance(','); } } directive = function directive() { var command = this.id, old_comments_off = comments_off, old_indent = indent; comments_off = true; indent = null; if (next_token.line === token.line && next_token.from === token.thru) { warn('missing_space_a_b', next_token, artifact(token), artifact()); } if (lookahead.length > 0) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } switch (command) { case '/*properties': case '/*property': case '/*members': case '/*member': do_properties(); break; case '/*jslint': do_jslint(); break; case '/*globals': case '/*global': do_globals(); break; default: stop('unexpected_a', this); } comments_off = old_comments_off; advance('*/'); indent = old_indent; }; // Indentation intention function edge(mode) { next_token.edge = indent ? indent.open && (mode || 'edge') : ''; } function step_in(mode) { var open; if (typeof mode === 'number') { indent = { at: +mode, open: true, was: indent }; } else if (!indent) { indent = { at: 1, mode: 'statement', open: true }; } else if (mode === 'statement') { indent = { at: indent.at, open: true, was: indent }; } else { open = mode === 'var' || next_token.line !== token.line; indent = { at: (open || mode === 'control' ? indent.at + option.indent : indent.at) + (indent.wrap ? option.indent : 0), mode: mode, open: open, was: indent }; if (mode === 'var' && open) { var_mode = indent; } } } function step_out(id, symbol) { if (id) { if (indent && indent.open) { indent.at -= option.indent; edge(); } advance(id, symbol); } if (indent) { indent = indent.was; } } // Functions for conformance of whitespace. function one_space(left, right) { left = left || token; right = right || next_token; if (right.id !== '(end)' && !option.white && (token.line !== right.line || token.thru + 1 !== right.from)) { warn('expected_space_a_b', right, artifact(token), artifact(right)); } } function one_space_only(left, right) { left = left || token; right = right || next_token; if (right.id !== '(end)' && (left.line !== right.line || (!option.white && left.thru + 1 !== right.from))) { warn('expected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right)); } } function no_space(left, right) { left = left || token; right = right || next_token; if ((!option.white) && left.thru !== right.from && left.line === right.line) { warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right)); } } function no_space_only(left, right) { left = left || token; right = right || next_token; if (right.id !== '(end)' && (left.line !== right.line || (!option.white && left.thru !== right.from))) { warn('unexpected_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right)); } } function spaces(left, right) { if (!option.white) { left = left || token; right = right || next_token; if (left.thru === right.from && left.line === right.line) { warn('missing_space_a_b', right, artifact(left), artifact(right)); } } } function comma() { if (next_token.id !== ',') { warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ',', artifact()); } else { if (!option.white) { no_space_only(); } advance(','); spaces(); } } function semicolon() { if (next_token.id !== ';') { warn_at('expected_a_b', token.line, token.thru, ';', artifact()); } else { if (!option.white) { no_space_only(); } advance(';'); if (semicolon_coda[next_token.id] !== true) { spaces(); } } } function use_strict() { if (next_token.string === 'use strict') { if (strict_mode) { warn('unnecessary_use'); } edge(); advance(); semicolon(); strict_mode = true; option.undef = false; return true; } return false; } function are_similar(a, b) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(a)) { if (Array.isArray(b) && a.length === b.length) { var i; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { if (!are_similar(a[i], b[i])) { return false; } } return true; } return false; } if (Array.isArray(b)) { return false; } if (a.id === '(number)' && b.id === '(number)') { return a.number === b.number; } if (a.arity === b.arity && a.string === b.string) { switch (a.arity) { case 'prefix': case 'suffix': case undefined: return a.id === b.id && are_similar(a.first, b.first) && a.id !== '{' && a.id !== '['; case 'infix': return are_similar(a.first, b.first) && are_similar(a.second, b.second); case 'ternary': return are_similar(a.first, b.first) && are_similar(a.second, b.second) && are_similar(a.third, b.third); case 'function': case 'regexp': return false; default: return true; } } else { if (a.id === '.' && b.id === '[' && b.arity === 'infix') { return a.second.string === b.second.string && b.second.id === '(string)'; } if (a.id === '[' && a.arity === 'infix' && b.id === '.') { return a.second.string === b.second.string && a.second.id === '(string)'; } } return false; } // This is the heart of JSLINT, the Pratt parser. In addition to parsing, it // is looking for ad hoc lint patterns. We add .fud to Pratt's model, which is // like .nud except that it is only used on the first token of a statement. // Having .fud makes it much easier to define statement-oriented languages like // JavaScript. I retained Pratt's nomenclature. // .nud Null denotation // .fud First null denotation // .led Left denotation // lbp Left binding power // rbp Right binding power // They are elements of the parsing method called Top Down Operator Precedence. function expression(rbp, initial) { // rbp is the right binding power. // initial indicates that this is the first expression of a statement. var left; if (next_token.id === '(end)') { stop('unexpected_a', token, next_token.id); } advance(); if (initial) { anonname = 'anonymous'; funct['(verb)'] = token.string; } if (initial === true && token.fud) { left = token.fud(); } else { if (token.nud) { left = token.nud(); } else { if (next_token.id === '(number)' && token.id === '.') { warn('leading_decimal_a', token, artifact()); advance(); return token; } stop('expected_identifier_a', token, token.id); } while (rbp < next_token.lbp) { advance(); if (token.led) { left = token.led(left); } else { stop('expected_operator_a', token, token.id); } } } return left; } // Functional constructors for making the symbols that will be inherited by // tokens. function symbol(s, p) { var x = syntax[s]; if (!x || typeof x !== 'object') { syntax[s] = x = { id: s, lbp: p || 0, string: s }; } return x; } function postscript(x) { x.postscript = true; return x; } function ultimate(s) { var x = symbol(s, 0); x.from = 1; x.thru = 1; x.line = 0; x.edge = 'edge'; x.string = s; return postscript(x); } function stmt(s, f) { var x = symbol(s); x.identifier = x.reserved = true; x.fud = f; return x; } function labeled_stmt(s, f) { var x = stmt(s, f); x.labeled = true; } function disrupt_stmt(s, f) { var x = stmt(s, f); x.disrupt = true; } function reserve_name(x) { var c = x.id.charAt(0); if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')) { x.identifier = x.reserved = true; } return x; } function prefix(s, f) { var x = symbol(s, 150); reserve_name(x); x.nud = function () { var that = this; that.arity = 'prefix'; if (typeof f === 'function') { that = f(that); if (that.arity !== 'prefix') { return that; } } else { if (s === 'typeof') { one_space(); } else { no_space_only(); } that.first = expression(150); } switch (that.id) { case '++': case '--': if (!option.plusplus) { warn('unexpected_a', that); } else if ((!that.first.identifier || that.first.reserved) && that.first.id !== '.' && that.first.id !== '[') { warn('bad_operand', that); } break; default: if (that.first.arity === 'prefix' || that.first.arity === 'function') { warn('unexpected_a', that); } } return that; }; return x; } function type(s, t, nud) { var x = symbol(s); x.arity = t; if (nud) { x.nud = nud; } return x; } function reserve(s, f) { var x = symbol(s); x.identifier = x.reserved = true; if (typeof f === 'function') { x.nud = f; } return x; } function constant(name) { var x = reserve(name); x.string = name; x.nud = return_this; return x; } function reservevar(s, v) { return reserve(s, function () { if (typeof v === 'function') { v(this); } return this; }); } function infix(s, p, f, w) { var x = symbol(s, p); reserve_name(x); x.led = function (left) { this.arity = 'infix'; if (!w) { spaces(prev_token, token); spaces(); } if (!option.bitwise && this.bitwise) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } if (typeof f === 'function') { return f(left, this); } this.first = left; this.second = expression(p); return this; }; return x; } function expected_relation(node, message) { if (node.assign) { warn(message || bundle.conditional_assignment, node); } return node; } function expected_condition(node, message) { switch (node.id) { case '[': case '-': if (node.arity !== 'infix') { warn(message || bundle.weird_condition, node); } break; case 'false': case 'function': case 'Infinity': case 'NaN': case 'null': case 'true': case 'undefined': case 'void': case '(number)': case '(regexp)': case '(string)': case '{': case '?': case '~': warn(message || bundle.weird_condition, node); break; case '(': if (node.first.id === 'new' || (node.first.string === 'Boolean') || (node.first.id === '.' && numbery[node.first.second.string] === true)) { warn(message || bundle.weird_condition, node); } break; } return node; } function check_relation(node) { switch (node.arity) { case 'prefix': switch (node.id) { case '{': case '[': warn('unexpected_a', node); break; case '!': warn('confusing_a', node); break; } break; case 'function': case 'regexp': warn('unexpected_a', node); break; default: if (node.id === 'NaN') { warn('isNaN', node); } else if (node.relation) { warn('weird_relation', node); } } return node; } function relation(s, eqeq) { var x = infix(s, 100, function (left, that) { check_relation(left); if (eqeq && !option.eqeq) { warn('expected_a_b', that, eqeq, that.id); } var right = expression(100); if (are_similar(left, right) || ((left.id === '(string)' || left.id === '(number)') && (right.id === '(string)' || right.id === '(number)'))) { warn('weird_relation', that); } else if (left.id === 'typeof') { if (right.id !== '(string)') { warn("expected_string_a", right, right.id === '(number)' ? right.number : right.string); } else if (right.string === 'undefined' || right.string === 'null') { warn("unexpected_typeof_a", left, right.string); } } else if (right.id === 'typeof') { if (left.id !== '(string)') { warn("expected_string_a", left, left.id === '(number)' ? left.number : left.string); } else if (left.string === 'undefined' || left.string === 'null') { warn("unexpected_typeof_a", right, left.string); } } that.first = left; that.second = check_relation(right); return that; }); x.relation = true; return x; } function assignop(s, op) { var x = infix(s, 20, function (left, that) { that.first = left; if (left.identifier) { if (scope[left.string]) { if (scope[left.string].writeable === false) { warn('read_only', left); } } else { stop('read_only'); } if (funct['(params)']) { funct['(params)'].forEach(function (value) { if (value.string === left.string) { value.assign = true; } }); } } if (left === syntax.function) { warn('identifier_function', token); } if (left.id === '.' || left.id === '[') { if (!left.first || left.first.string === 'arguments') { warn('bad_assignment', that); } } else if (left.identifier) { if (!left.reserved && funct[left.string] === 'exception') { warn('assign_exception', left); } } else { warn('bad_assignment', that); } that.second = expression(19); if (that.id === '=' && are_similar(that.first, that.second)) { warn('weird_assignment', that); } return that; }); x.assign = true; if (op) { if (syntax[op].bitwise) { x.bitwise = true; } } return x; } function bitwise(s, p) { var x = infix(s, p, 'number'); x.bitwise = true; return x; } function suffix(s) { var x = symbol(s, 150); x.led = function (left) { no_space_only(prev_token, token); if (!option.plusplus) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } else if ((!left.identifier || left.reserved) && left.id !== '.' && left.id !== '[') { warn('bad_operand', this); } this.first = left; this.arity = 'suffix'; return this; }; return x; } function optional_identifier(variable) { if (next_token.identifier) { advance(); if (token.reserved && (!option.es5 || variable)) { warn('expected_identifier_a_reserved', token); } return token.string; } } function identifier(variable) { var i = optional_identifier(variable); if (!i) { stop(token.id === 'function' && next_token.id === '(' ? 'name_function' : 'expected_identifier_a'); } return i; } function statement() { var label, old_scope = scope, preamble, the_statement; // We don't like the empty statement. if (next_token.id === ';') { warn('unexpected_a'); semicolon(); return; } // Is this a labeled statement? if (next_token.identifier && !next_token.reserved && peek().id === ':') { edge('label'); label = next_token; advance(); advance(':'); scope = Object.create(old_scope); add_label(label, 'label'); if (next_token.labeled !== true || funct === global_funct) { stop('unexpected_label_a', label); } else if (jx.test(label.string + ':')) { warn('url', label); } next_token.label = label; } // Parse the statement. preamble = next_token; if (token.id !== 'else') { edge(); } step_in('statement'); the_statement = expression(0, true); if (the_statement) { // Look for the final semicolon. if (the_statement.arity === 'statement') { if (the_statement.id === 'switch' || (the_statement.block && the_statement.id !== 'do')) { spaces(); } else { semicolon(); } } else { // If this is an expression statement, determine if it is acceptable. // We do not like // new Blah; // statements. If it is to be used at all, new should only be used to make // objects, not side effects. The expression statements we do like do // assignment or invocation or delete. if (the_statement.id === '(') { if (the_statement.first.id === 'new') { warn('bad_new'); } } else if (!the_statement.assign && the_statement.id !== 'delete' && the_statement.id !== '++' && the_statement.id !== '--') { if (!option.closure || !preamble.comments) { warn('assignment_function_expression', preamble); } } semicolon(); } } step_out(); scope = old_scope; return the_statement; } function statements() { var array = [], disruptor, the_statement; // A disrupt statement may not be followed by any other statement. // If the last statement is disrupt, then the sequence is disrupt. while (next_token.postscript !== true) { if (next_token.id === ';') { warn('unexpected_a', next_token); semicolon(); } else { if (next_token.string === 'use strict') { if ((!node_js) || funct !== global_funct || array.length > 0) { warn('function_strict'); } use_strict(); } if (disruptor) { warn('unreachable_a_b', next_token, next_token.string, disruptor.string); disruptor = null; } the_statement = statement(); if (the_statement) { array.push(the_statement); if (the_statement.disrupt) { disruptor = the_statement; array.disrupt = true; } } } } return array; } function block(ordinary) { // array block is array sequence of statements wrapped in braces. // ordinary is false for function bodies and try blocks. // ordinary is true for if statements, while, etc. var array, curly = next_token, old_in_block = in_block, old_scope = scope, old_strict_mode = strict_mode; in_block = ordinary; scope = Object.create(scope); if (next_token.id === '{') { spaces(); advance('{'); step_in(); if (!ordinary && !use_strict() && !old_strict_mode && !option.sloppy && funct['(context)'] === global_funct) { warn('missing_use_strict'); } array = statements(); strict_mode = old_strict_mode; step_out('}', curly); } else if (!ordinary) { stop('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', artifact()); } else { warn('expected_a_b', next_token, '{', artifact()); array = [statement()]; array.disrupt = array[0].disrupt; } funct['(verb)'] = null; scope = old_scope; in_block = old_in_block; if (ordinary && array.length === 0) { warn('empty_block'); } return array; } function tally_property(name) { if (option.properties && typeof property[name] !== 'number') { warn('unexpected_property_a', token, name); } if (typeof property[name] === 'number') { property[name] += 1; } else { property[name] = 1; } } // ECMAScript parser syntax['(identifier)'] = { id: '(identifier)', lbp: 0, identifier: true, nud: function () { var name = this.string, variable = scope[name], site, writeable; // If the variable is not in scope, then we may have an undeclared variable. // Check the predefined list. If it was predefined, create the global // variable. if (typeof variable !== 'object') { writeable = predefined[name]; if (typeof writeable === 'boolean') { global_scope[name] = variable = { string: name, writeable: writeable, function: global_funct }; global_funct[name] = 'var'; // But if the variable is not in scope, and is not predefined, and if we are not // in the global scope, then we have an undefined variable error. } else { if (!option.undef) { warn('used_before_a', token); } scope[name] = variable = { string: name, writeable: true, function: funct }; funct[name] = 'undef'; } } site = variable.function; // The name is in scope and defined in the current function. if (funct === site) { // Change 'unused' to 'var', and reject labels. switch (funct[name]) { case 'becoming': warn('unexpected_a', token); funct[name] = 'var'; break; case 'unused': funct[name] = 'var'; break; case 'unparam': funct[name] = 'parameter'; break; case 'unction': funct[name] = 'function'; break; case 'label': warn('a_label', token, name); break; } this.function = funct; // If the name is already defined in the current // function, but not as outer, then there is a scope error. } else { switch (funct[name]) { case 'closure': case 'function': case 'var': case 'unused': warn('a_scope', token, name); break; case 'label': warn('a_label', token, name); break; case 'outer': case 'global': break; default: // If the name is defined in an outer function, make an outer entry, and if // it was unused, make it var. switch (site[name]) { case 'becoming': case 'closure': case 'function': case 'parameter': case 'unction': case 'unparam': case 'unused': case 'var': site[name] = 'closure'; funct[name] = site === global_funct ? 'global' : 'outer'; this.function = site; break; case 'undef': funct[name] = 'undef'; break; case 'label': warn('a_label', token, name); break; } } } return this; }, led: function () { stop('expected_operator_a'); } }; // Build the syntax table by declaring the syntactic elements. type('(array)', 'array'); type('(color)', 'color'); type('(function)', 'function'); type('(number)', 'number', return_this); type('(object)', 'object'); type('(string)', 'string', return_this); type('(boolean)', 'boolean', return_this); type('(regexp)', 'regexp', return_this); ultimate('(begin)'); ultimate('(end)'); ultimate('(error)'); postscript(symbol('')); symbol(''); postscript(symbol('}')); symbol(')'); symbol(']'); postscript(symbol('"')); postscript(symbol('\'')); symbol(';'); symbol(':'); symbol(','); symbol('#'); symbol('@'); symbol('*/'); postscript(reserve('case')); reserve('catch'); postscript(reserve('default')); reserve('else'); reserve('finally'); reservevar('arguments', function (x) { if (strict_mode && funct === global_funct) { warn('strict', x); } funct['(arguments)'] = true; }); reservevar('eval'); constant('false', 'boolean'); constant('Infinity', 'number'); constant('NaN', 'number'); constant('null', ''); reservevar('this', function (x) { if (strict_mode && funct['(token)'] && (funct['(token)'].arity === 'statement' && funct['(name)'].charAt(0) > 'Z')) { warn('strict', x); } }); constant('true', 'boolean'); constant('undefined', ''); infix('?', 30, function (left, that) { step_in('?'); that.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(left)); that.second = expression(0); spaces(); step_out(); var colon = next_token; advance(':'); step_in(':'); spaces(); that.third = expression(10); that.arity = 'ternary'; if (are_similar(that.second, that.third)) { warn('weird_ternary', colon); } else if (are_similar(that.first, that.second)) { warn('use_or', that); } step_out(); return that; }); infix('||', 40, function (left, that) { function paren_check(that) { if (that.id === '&&' && !that.paren) { warn('and', that); } return that; } that.first = paren_check(expected_condition(expected_relation(left))); that.second = paren_check(expected_relation(expression(40))); if (are_similar(that.first, that.second)) { warn('weird_condition', that); } return that; }); infix('&&', 50, function (left, that) { that.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(left)); that.second = expected_relation(expression(50)); if (are_similar(that.first, that.second)) { warn('weird_condition', that); } return that; }); prefix('void', function (that) { that.first = expression(0); if (option.es5 || strict_mode) { warn('expected_a_b', that, 'undefined', 'void'); } else if (that.first.number !== 0) { warn('expected_a_b', that.first, '0', artifact(that.first)); } return that; }); bitwise('|', 70); bitwise('^', 80); bitwise('&', 90); relation('==', '==='); relation('==='); relation('!=', '!=='); relation('!=='); relation('<'); relation('>'); relation('<='); relation('>='); bitwise('<<', 120); bitwise('>>', 120); bitwise('>>>', 120); infix('in', 120, function (left, that) { warn('infix_in', that); that.left = left; that.right = expression(130); return that; }); infix('instanceof', 120); infix('+', 130, function (left, that) { if (left.id === '(number)') { if (left.number === 0) { warn('unexpected_a', left, '0'); } } else if (left.id === '(string)') { if (left.string === '') { warn('expected_a_b', left, 'String', '\'\''); } } var right = expression(130); if (right.id === '(number)') { if (right.number === 0) { warn('unexpected_a', right, '0'); } } else if (right.id === '(string)') { if (right.string === '') { warn('expected_a_b', right, 'String', '\'\''); } } if (left.id === right.id) { if (left.id === '(string)' || left.id === '(number)') { if (left.id === '(string)') { left.string += right.string; if (jx.test(left.string)) { warn('url', left); } } else { left.number += right.number; } left.thru = right.thru; return left; } } that.first = left; that.second = right; return that; }); prefix('+'); prefix('+++', function () { warn('confusing_a', token); this.first = expression(150); this.arity = 'prefix'; return this; }); infix('+++', 130, function (left) { warn('confusing_a', token); this.first = left; this.second = expression(130); return this; }); infix('-', 130, function (left, that) { if ((left.id === '(number)' && left.number === 0) || left.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', left); } var right = expression(130); if ((right.id === '(number)' && right.number === 0) || right.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', right); } if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') { left.number -= right.number; left.thru = right.thru; return left; } that.first = left; that.second = right; return that; }); prefix('-'); prefix('---', function () { warn('confusing_a', token); this.first = expression(150); this.arity = 'prefix'; return this; }); infix('---', 130, function (left) { warn('confusing_a', token); this.first = left; this.second = expression(130); return this; }); infix('*', 140, function (left, that) { if ((left.id === '(number)' && (left.number === 0 || left.number === 1)) || left.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', left); } var right = expression(140); if ((right.id === '(number)' && (right.number === 0 || right.number === 1)) || right.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', right); } if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') { left.number *= right.number; left.thru = right.thru; return left; } that.first = left; that.second = right; return that; }); infix('/', 140, function (left, that) { if ((left.id === '(number)' && left.number === 0) || left.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', left); } var right = expression(140); if ((right.id === '(number)' && (right.number === 0 || right.number === 1)) || right.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', right); } if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') { left.number /= right.number; left.thru = right.thru; return left; } that.first = left; that.second = right; return that; }); infix('%', 140, function (left, that) { if ((left.id === '(number)' && (left.number === 0 || left.number === 1)) || left.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', left); } var right = expression(140); if ((right.id === '(number)' && right.number === 0) || right.id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', right); } if (left.id === right.id && left.id === '(number)') { left.number %= right.number; left.thru = right.thru; return left; } that.first = left; that.second = right; return that; }); suffix('++'); prefix('++'); suffix('--'); prefix('--'); prefix('delete', function (that) { one_space(); var p = expression(0); if (!p || (p.id !== '.' && p.id !== '[')) { warn('deleted'); } that.first = p; return that; }); prefix('~', function (that) { no_space_only(); if (!option.bitwise) { warn('unexpected_a', that); } that.first = expression(150); return that; }); function banger(that) { no_space_only(); that.first = expected_condition(expression(150)); if (bang[that.first.id] === that || that.first.assign) { warn('confusing_a', that); } return that; } prefix('!', banger); prefix('!!', banger); prefix('typeof'); prefix('new', function (that) { one_space(); var c = expression(160), n, p, v; that.first = c; if (c.id !== 'function') { if (c.identifier) { switch (c.string) { case 'Object': warn('use_object', token); break; case 'Array': if (next_token.id === '(') { p = next_token; p.first = this; advance('('); if (next_token.id !== ')') { n = expression(0); p.second = [n]; if (n.id !== '(number)' || next_token.id === ',') { warn('use_array', p); } while (next_token.id === ',') { advance(','); p.second.push(expression(0)); } } else { warn('use_array', token); } advance(')', p); return p; } warn('use_array', token); break; case 'Number': case 'String': case 'Boolean': case 'Math': case 'JSON': warn('not_a_constructor', c); break; case 'Function': if (!option.evil) { warn('function_eval'); } break; case 'Date': case 'RegExp': case 'this': break; default: if (c.id !== 'function') { v = c.string.charAt(0); if (!option.newcap && (v < 'A' || v > 'Z')) { warn('constructor_name_a', token); } } } } else { if (c.id !== '.' && c.id !== '[' && c.id !== '(') { warn('bad_constructor', token); } } } else { warn('weird_new', that); } if (next_token.id !== '(') { warn('missing_a', next_token, '()'); } return that; }); infix('(', 160, function (left, that) { var e, p; if (indent && indent.mode === 'expression') { no_space(prev_token, token); } else { no_space_only(prev_token, token); } if (!left.immed && left.id === 'function') { warn('wrap_immediate'); } p = []; if (left.identifier) { if (left.string.match(/^[A-Z]([A-Z0-9_$]*[a-z][A-Za-z0-9_$]*)?$/)) { if (left.string !== 'Number' && left.string !== 'String' && left.string !== 'Boolean' && left.string !== 'Date') { if (left.string === 'Math' || left.string === 'JSON') { warn('not_a_function', left); } else if (left.string === 'Object') { warn('use_object', token); } else if (left.string === 'Array' || !option.newcap) { warn('missing_a', left, 'new'); } } } } else if (left.id === '.') { if (left.second.string === 'split' && left.first.id === '(string)') { warn('use_array', left.second); } } step_in(); if (next_token.id !== ')') { no_space(); for (;;) { edge(); e = expression(10); if (left.string === 'Boolean' && (e.id === '!' || e.id === '~')) { warn('weird_condition', e); } p.push(e); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } comma(); } } no_space(); step_out(')', that); if (typeof left === 'object') { if (left.string === 'parseInt' && p.length === 1) { warn('radix', left); } else if (left.string === 'String' && p.length >= 1 && p[0].id === '(string)') { warn('unexpected_a', left); } if (!option.evil) { if (left.string === 'eval' || left.string === 'Function' || left.string === 'execScript') { warn('evil', left); } else if (p[0] && p[0].id === '(string)' && (left.string === 'setTimeout' || left.string === 'setInterval')) { warn('implied_evil', left); } } if (!left.identifier && left.id !== '.' && left.id !== '[' && left.id !== '(' && left.id !== '&&' && left.id !== '||' && left.id !== '?') { warn('bad_invocation', left); } if (left.id === '.') { if (p.length > 0 && left.first && left.first.first && are_similar(p[0], left.first.first)) { if (left.second.string === 'call' || (left.second.string === 'apply' && (p.length === 1 || (p[1].arity === 'prefix' && p[1].id === '[')))) { warn('unexpected_a', left.second); } } if (left.second.string === 'toString') { if (left.first.id === '(string)' || left.first.id === '(number)') { warn('unexpected_a', left.second); } } } } that.first = left; that.second = p; return that; }, true); prefix('(', function (that) { step_in('expression'); no_space(); edge(); if (next_token.id === 'function') { next_token.immed = true; } var value = expression(0); value.paren = true; no_space(); step_out(')', that); if (value.id === 'function') { switch (next_token.id) { case '(': warn('move_invocation'); break; case '.': case '[': warn('unexpected_a'); break; default: warn('bad_wrap', that); } } else if (!value.arity) { if (!option.closure || !that.comments) { warn('unexpected_a', that); } } return value; }); infix('.', 170, function (left, that) { no_space(prev_token, token); no_space(); var name = identifier(); if (typeof name === 'string') { tally_property(name); } that.first = left; that.second = token; if (left && left.string === 'arguments' && (name === 'callee' || name === 'caller')) { warn('avoid_a', left, 'arguments.' + name); } else if (!option.evil && left && left.string === 'document' && (name === 'write' || name === 'writeln')) { warn('write_is_wrong', left); } else if (!option.stupid && syx.test(name)) { warn('sync_a', token); } if (!option.evil && (name === 'eval' || name === 'execScript')) { warn('evil'); } return that; }, true); infix('[', 170, function (left, that) { var e, s; no_space_only(prev_token, token); no_space(); step_in(); edge(); e = expression(0); switch (e.id) { case '(number)': if (e.id === '(number)' && left.id === 'arguments') { warn('use_param', left); } break; case '(string)': if (!option.evil && (e.string === 'eval' || e.string === 'execScript')) { warn('evil', e); } else if (!option.sub && ix.test(e.string)) { s = syntax[e.string]; if (!s || !s.reserved) { warn('subscript', e); } } tally_property(e.string); break; } step_out(']', that); no_space(prev_token, token); that.first = left; that.second = e; return that; }, true); prefix('[', function (that) { that.first = []; step_in('array'); while (next_token.id !== '(end)') { while (next_token.id === ',') { warn('unexpected_a', next_token); advance(','); } if (next_token.id === ']') { break; } indent.wrap = false; edge(); that.first.push(expression(10)); if (next_token.id === ',') { comma(); if (next_token.id === ']' && !option.es5) { warn('unexpected_a', token); break; } } else { break; } } step_out(']', that); return that; }, 170); function property_name() { var id = optional_identifier(); if (!id) { if (next_token.id === '(string)') { id = next_token.string; advance(); } else if (next_token.id === '(number)') { id = next_token.number.toString(); advance(); } } return id; } assignop('='); assignop('+=', '+'); assignop('-=', '-'); assignop('*=', '*'); assignop('/=', '/').nud = function () { stop('slash_equal'); }; assignop('%=', '%'); assignop('&=', '&'); assignop('|=', '|'); assignop('^=', '^'); assignop('<<=', '<<'); assignop('>>=', '>>'); assignop('>>>=', '>>>'); function function_params() { var id, paren = next_token, params = []; advance('('); token.function = funct; step_in(); no_space(); if (next_token.id === ')') { no_space(); step_out(')', paren); return params; } for (;;) { edge(); id = identifier(); params.push(token); add_label(token, option.unparam ? 'parameter' : 'unparam'); if (next_token.id === ',') { comma(); } else { no_space(); step_out(')', paren); return params; } } } function do_function(func, name) { var old_funct = funct, old_option = option, old_scope = scope; funct = { '(name)' : name || '\'' + (anonname || '').replace(nx, sanitize) + '\'', '(line)' : next_token.line, '(context)' : old_funct, '(breakage)' : 0, '(loopage)' : 0, '(scope)' : scope, '(token)' : func, '(level)' : old_funct['(level)'] + 1 }; func.function = funct; option = Object.create(old_option); scope = Object.create(old_scope); functions.push(funct); func.name = name; if (name) { add_label(func, 'function', name); } func.writeable = false; func.first = funct['(params)'] = function_params(); one_space(); func.block = block(false); if (funct['(arguments)']) { func.first.forEach(function (value) { if (value.assign) { warn('parameter_arguments_a', value, value.string); } }); } funct = old_funct; option = old_option; scope = old_scope; } prefix('{', function (that) { var get, i, j, name, p, set, seen = {}; that.first = []; step_in(); while (next_token.id !== '}') { indent.wrap = false; // JSLint recognizes the ES5 extension for get/set in object literals, // but requires that they be used in pairs. edge(); if (next_token.string === 'get' && peek().id !== ':') { if (!option.es5) { warn('es5'); } get = next_token; advance('get'); one_space_only(); name = next_token; i = property_name(); if (!i) { stop('missing_property'); } get.string = ''; do_function(get); if (funct['(loopage)']) { warn('function_loop', get); } p = get.first; if (p && p.length) { warn('parameter_a_get_b', p[0], p[0].string, i); } comma(); set = next_token; spaces(); edge(); advance('set'); set.string = ''; one_space_only(); j = property_name(); if (i !== j) { stop('expected_a_b', token, i, j || next_token.string); } do_function(set); if (set.block.length === 0) { warn('missing_a', token, 'throw'); } p = set.first; if (!p || p.length !== 1) { stop('parameter_set_a', set, 'value'); } else if (p[0].string !== 'value') { stop('expected_a_b', p[0], 'value', p[0].string); } name.first = [get, set]; } else { name = next_token; i = property_name(); if (typeof i !== 'string') { stop('missing_property'); } advance(':'); spaces(); name.first = expression(10); } that.first.push(name); if (seen[i] === true) { warn('duplicate_a', next_token, i); } seen[i] = true; tally_property(i); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } for (;;) { comma(); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } warn('unexpected_a', next_token); } if (next_token.id === '}' && !option.es5) { warn('unexpected_a', token); } } step_out('}', that); return that; }); stmt('{', function () { warn('statement_block'); this.arity = 'statement'; this.block = statements(); this.disrupt = this.block.disrupt; advance('}', this); return this; }); stmt('/*global', directive); stmt('/*globals', directive); stmt('/*jslint', directive); stmt('/*member', directive); stmt('/*members', directive); stmt('/*property', directive); stmt('/*properties', directive); stmt('var', function () { // JavaScript does not have block scope. It only has function scope. So, // declaring a variable in a block can have unexpected consequences. // var.first will contain an array, the array containing name tokens // and assignment tokens. var assign, id, name; if (funct['(vars)'] && !option.vars) { warn('combine_var'); } else if (funct !== global_funct) { funct['(vars)'] = true; } this.arity = 'statement'; this.first = []; step_in('var'); for (;;) { name = next_token; id = identifier(true); add_label(name, 'becoming'); if (next_token.id === '=') { assign = next_token; assign.first = name; spaces(); advance('='); spaces(); if (next_token.id === 'undefined') { warn('unnecessary_initialize', token, id); } if (peek(0).id === '=' && next_token.identifier) { stop('var_a_not'); } assign.second = expression(0); assign.arity = 'infix'; this.first.push(assign); } else { this.first.push(name); } if (funct[id] === 'becoming') { funct[id] = 'unused'; } if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } comma(); indent.wrap = false; if (var_mode && next_token.line === token.line && this.first.length === 1) { var_mode = null; indent.open = false; indent.at -= option.indent; } spaces(); edge(); } var_mode = null; step_out(); return this; }); stmt('function', function () { one_space(); if (in_block) { warn('function_block', token); } var name = next_token, id = identifier(true); add_label(name, 'unction'); no_space(); this.arity = 'statement'; do_function(this, id); if (next_token.id === '(' && next_token.line === token.line) { stop('function_statement'); } return this; }); prefix('function', function (that) { var id = optional_identifier(true), name; if (id) { name = token; no_space(); } else { id = ''; } do_function(that, id); if (name) { name.function = that.function; } if (funct['(loopage)']) { warn('function_loop'); } switch (next_token.id) { case ';': case '(': case ')': case ',': case ']': case '}': case ':': break; case '.': if (peek().string !== 'bind' || peek(1).id !== '(') { warn('unexpected_a'); } break; default: stop('unexpected_a'); } that.arity = 'function'; return that; }); stmt('if', function () { var paren = next_token; one_space(); advance('('); step_in('control'); no_space(); edge(); this.arity = 'statement'; this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0))); no_space(); step_out(')', paren); one_space(); this.block = block(true); if (next_token.id === 'else') { one_space(); advance('else'); one_space(); this.else = next_token.id === 'if' || next_token.id === 'switch' ? statement(true) : block(true); if (this.else.disrupt && this.block.disrupt) { this.disrupt = true; } } return this; }); stmt('try', function () { // try.first The catch variable // try.second The catch clause // try.third The finally clause // try.block The try block var exception_variable, old_scope, paren; one_space(); this.arity = 'statement'; this.block = block(false); if (next_token.id === 'catch') { one_space(); advance('catch'); one_space(); paren = next_token; advance('('); step_in('control'); no_space(); edge(); old_scope = scope; scope = Object.create(old_scope); exception_variable = next_token.string; this.first = exception_variable; if (!next_token.identifier) { warn('expected_identifier_a', next_token); } else { add_label(next_token, 'exception'); } advance(); no_space(); step_out(')', paren); one_space(); this.second = block(false); scope = old_scope; } if (next_token.id === 'finally') { one_space(); advance('finally'); one_space(); this.third = block(false); } else if (!this.second) { stop('expected_a_b', next_token, 'catch', artifact()); } return this; }); labeled_stmt('while', function () { one_space(); var paren = next_token; funct['(breakage)'] += 1; funct['(loopage)'] += 1; advance('('); step_in('control'); no_space(); edge(); this.arity = 'statement'; this.first = expected_relation(expression(0)); if (this.first.id !== 'true') { expected_condition(this.first, bundle.unexpected_a); } no_space(); step_out(')', paren); one_space(); this.block = block(true); if (this.block.disrupt) { warn('strange_loop', prev_token); } funct['(breakage)'] -= 1; funct['(loopage)'] -= 1; return this; }); reserve('with'); labeled_stmt('switch', function () { // switch.first the switch expression // switch.second the array of cases. A case is 'case' or 'default' token: // case.first the array of case expressions // case.second the array of statements // If all of the arrays of statements are disrupt, then the switch is disrupt. var cases = [], old_in_block = in_block, particular, that = token, the_case = next_token, unbroken = true; function find_duplicate_case(value) { if (are_similar(particular, value)) { warn('duplicate_a', value); } } funct['(breakage)'] += 1; one_space(); advance('('); no_space(); step_in(); this.arity = 'statement'; this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0))); no_space(); step_out(')', the_case); one_space(); advance('{'); step_in(); in_block = true; this.second = []; if (that.from !== next_token.from && !option.white) { warn('expected_a_at_b_c', next_token, next_token.string, that.from, next_token.from); } while (next_token.id === 'case') { the_case = next_token; cases.forEach(find_duplicate_case); the_case.first = []; the_case.arity = 'case'; spaces(); edge('case'); advance('case'); for (;;) { one_space(); particular = expression(0); cases.forEach(find_duplicate_case); cases.push(particular); the_case.first.push(particular); if (particular.id === 'NaN') { warn('unexpected_a', particular); } no_space_only(); advance(':'); if (next_token.id !== 'case') { break; } spaces(); edge('case'); advance('case'); } spaces(); the_case.second = statements(); if (the_case.second && the_case.second.length > 0) { particular = the_case.second[the_case.second.length - 1]; if (particular.disrupt) { if (particular.id === 'break') { unbroken = false; } } else { warn('missing_a_after_b', next_token, 'break', 'case'); } } else { warn('empty_case'); } this.second.push(the_case); } if (this.second.length === 0) { warn('missing_a', next_token, 'case'); } if (next_token.id === 'default') { spaces(); the_case = next_token; the_case.arity = 'case'; edge('case'); advance('default'); no_space_only(); advance(':'); spaces(); the_case.second = statements(); if (the_case.second && the_case.second.length > 0) { particular = the_case.second[the_case.second.length - 1]; if (unbroken && particular.disrupt && particular.id !== 'break') { this.disrupt = true; } } this.second.push(the_case); } funct['(breakage)'] -= 1; spaces(); step_out('}', this); in_block = old_in_block; return this; }); stmt('debugger', function () { if (!option.debug) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } this.arity = 'statement'; return this; }); labeled_stmt('do', function () { funct['(breakage)'] += 1; funct['(loopage)'] += 1; one_space(); this.arity = 'statement'; this.block = block(true); if (this.block.disrupt) { warn('strange_loop', prev_token); } one_space(); advance('while'); var paren = next_token; one_space(); advance('('); step_in(); no_space(); edge(); this.first = expected_condition(expected_relation(expression(0)), bundle.unexpected_a); no_space(); step_out(')', paren); funct['(breakage)'] -= 1; funct['(loopage)'] -= 1; return this; }); labeled_stmt('for', function () { var blok, filter, ok = false, paren = next_token, value; this.arity = 'statement'; funct['(breakage)'] += 1; funct['(loopage)'] += 1; advance('('); if (next_token.id === ';') { no_space(); advance(';'); no_space(); advance(';'); no_space(); advance(')'); blok = block(true); } else { step_in('control'); spaces(this, paren); no_space(); if (next_token.id === 'var') { stop('move_var'); } edge(); if (peek(0).id === 'in') { this.forin = true; value = next_token; switch (funct[value.string]) { case 'unused': funct[value.string] = 'var'; break; case 'closure': case 'var': break; default: warn('bad_in_a', value); } advance(); advance('in'); this.first = value; this.second = expression(20); step_out(')', paren); blok = block(true); if (!option.forin) { if (blok.length === 1 && typeof blok[0] === 'object' && blok[0].string === 'if' && !blok[0].else) { filter = blok[0].first; while (filter.id === '&&') { filter = filter.first; } switch (filter.id) { case '===': case '!==': ok = filter.first.id === '[' ? filter.first.first.string === this.second.string && filter.first.second.string === this.first.string : filter.first.id === 'typeof' && filter.first.first.id === '[' && filter.first.first.first.string === this.second.string && filter.first.first.second.string === this.first.string; break; case '(': ok = filter.first.id === '.' && (( filter.first.first.string === this.second.string && filter.first.second.string === 'hasOwnProperty' && filter.second[0].string === this.first.string ) || ( filter.first.first.id === '.' && filter.first.first.first.id === '.' && filter.first.first.first.first.string === 'Object' && filter.first.first.first.second.string === 'prototype' && filter.first.first.second.string === 'hasOwnProperty' && filter.first.second.string === 'call' && filter.second[0].string === this.second.string && filter.second[1].string === this.first.string )); break; } } if (!ok) { warn('for_if', this); } } } else { edge(); this.first = []; for (;;) { this.first.push(expression(0, 'for')); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } comma(); } semicolon(); edge(); this.second = expected_relation(expression(0)); if (this.second.id !== 'true') { expected_condition(this.second, bundle.unexpected_a); } semicolon(token); if (next_token.id === ';') { stop('expected_a_b', next_token, ')', ';'); } this.third = []; edge(); for (;;) { this.third.push(expression(0, 'for')); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } comma(); } no_space(); step_out(')', paren); one_space(); blok = block(true); } } if (blok.disrupt) { warn('strange_loop', prev_token); } this.block = blok; funct['(breakage)'] -= 1; funct['(loopage)'] -= 1; return this; }); disrupt_stmt('break', function () { var label = next_token.string; this.arity = 'statement'; if (funct['(breakage)'] === 0) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } if (next_token.identifier && token.line === next_token.line) { one_space_only(); if (funct[label] !== 'label') { warn('not_a_label', next_token); } else if (scope[label].function !== funct) { warn('not_a_scope', next_token); } this.first = next_token; advance(); } return this; }); disrupt_stmt('continue', function () { if (!option.continue) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } var label = next_token.string; this.arity = 'statement'; if (funct['(breakage)'] === 0) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } if (next_token.identifier && token.line === next_token.line) { one_space_only(); if (funct[label] !== 'label') { warn('not_a_label', next_token); } else if (scope[label].function !== funct) { warn('not_a_scope', next_token); } this.first = next_token; advance(); } return this; }); disrupt_stmt('return', function () { if (funct === global_funct) { warn('unexpected_a', this); } this.arity = 'statement'; if (next_token.id !== ';' && next_token.line === token.line) { if (option.closure) { spaces(); } else { one_space_only(); } if (next_token.id === '/' || next_token.id === '(regexp)') { warn('wrap_regexp'); } this.first = expression(0); if (this.first.assign) { warn('unexpected_a', this.first); } } if (peek(0).id === '}' && peek(1).id === 'else') { warn('unexpected_else', this); } return this; }); disrupt_stmt('throw', function () { this.arity = 'statement'; one_space_only(); this.first = expression(20); return this; }); // Superfluous reserved words reserve('class'); reserve('const'); reserve('enum'); reserve('export'); reserve('extends'); reserve('import'); reserve('super'); // Harmony reserved words reserve('implements'); reserve('interface'); reserve('let'); reserve('package'); reserve('private'); reserve('protected'); reserve('public'); reserve('static'); reserve('yield'); // Parse JSON function json_value() { function json_object() { var brace = next_token, object = {}; advance('{'); if (next_token.id !== '}') { while (next_token.id !== '(end)') { while (next_token.id === ',') { warn('unexpected_a', next_token); advance(','); } if (next_token.id !== '(string)') { warn('expected_string_a'); } if (object[next_token.string] === true) { warn('duplicate_a'); } else if (next_token.string === '__proto__') { warn('dangling_a'); } else { object[next_token.string] = true; } advance(); advance(':'); json_value(); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } advance(','); if (next_token.id === '}') { warn('unexpected_a', token); break; } } } advance('}', brace); } function json_array() { var bracket = next_token; advance('['); if (next_token.id !== ']') { while (next_token.id !== '(end)') { while (next_token.id === ',') { warn('unexpected_a', next_token); advance(','); } json_value(); if (next_token.id !== ',') { break; } advance(','); if (next_token.id === ']') { warn('unexpected_a', token); break; } } } advance(']', bracket); } switch (next_token.id) { case '{': json_object(); break; case '[': json_array(); break; case 'true': case 'false': case 'null': case '(number)': case '(string)': advance(); break; case '-': advance('-'); no_space_only(); advance('(number)'); break; default: stop('unexpected_a'); } } // The actual JSLINT function itself. itself = function JSLint(the_source, the_option) { var i, predef, tree; JSLINT.errors = []; JSLINT.tree = ''; JSLINT.properties = ''; begin = prev_token = token = next_token = Object.create(syntax['(begin)']); tokens = []; predefined = {}; add_to_predefined(standard); property = {}; if (the_option) { option = Object.create(the_option); predef = option.predef; if (predef) { if (Array.isArray(predef)) { for (i = 0; i < predef.length; i += 1) { predefined[predef[i]] = true; } } else if (typeof predef === 'object') { add_to_predefined(predef); } } } else { option = {}; } option.indent = +option.indent || 4; option.maxerr = +option.maxerr || 50; tab = ''; for (i = 0; i < option.indent; i += 1) { tab += ' '; } global_scope = scope = {}; global_funct = funct = { '(scope)': scope, '(breakage)': 0, '(loopage)': 0, '(level)': 0 }; functions = [funct]; comments = []; comments_off = false; in_block = false; indent = null; json_mode = false; lookahead = []; node_js = false; prereg = true; stack = null; strict_mode = false; urls = []; var_mode = null; warnings = 0; lex.init(the_source); assume(); try { advance(); if (next_token.id === '(number)') { stop('unexpected_a'); } else { switch (next_token.id) { case '{': case '[': comments_off = true; json_mode = true; json_value(); break; default: // If the first token is a semicolon, ignore it. This is sometimes used when // files are intended to be appended to files that may be sloppy. A sloppy // file may be depending on semicolon insertion on its last line. step_in(1); if (next_token.id === ';' && !node_js) { semicolon(); } tree = statements(); begin.first = tree; itself.tree = begin; if (tree.disrupt) { warn('weird_program', prev_token); } } } indent = null; advance('(end)'); itself.property = property; } catch (e) { if (e) { // ~~ JSLINT.errors.push({ reason : e.message, line : e.line || next_token.line, character : e.character || next_token.from }, null); } } return JSLINT.errors.length === 0; }; // Data summary. itself.data = function () { var data = {functions: []}, function_data, globals, i, j, kind, name, the_function, undef = [], unused = []; if (itself.errors.length) { data.errors = itself.errors; } if (json_mode) { data.json = true; } if (urls.length > 0) { data.urls = urls; } globals = Object.keys(global_scope).filter(function (value) { return value.charAt(0) !== '(' && typeof standard[value] !== 'boolean'; }); if (globals.length > 0) { data.globals = globals; } for (i = 1; i < functions.length; i += 1) { the_function = functions[i]; function_data = {}; for (j = 0; j < functionicity.length; j += 1) { function_data[functionicity[j]] = []; } for (name in the_function) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(the_function, name)) { if (name.charAt(0) !== '(') { kind = the_function[name]; if (kind === 'unction' || kind === 'unparam') { kind = 'unused'; } if (Array.isArray(function_data[kind])) { function_data[kind].push(name); if (kind === 'unused') { unused.push({ name: name, line: the_function['(line)'], 'function': the_function['(name)'] }); } else if (kind === 'undef') { undef.push({ name: name, line: the_function['(line)'], 'function': the_function['(name)'] }); } } } } } for (j = 0; j < functionicity.length; j += 1) { if (function_data[functionicity[j]].length === 0) { delete function_data[functionicity[j]]; } } function_data.name = the_function['(name)']; function_data.params = the_function['(params)']; function_data.line = the_function['(line)']; function_data.level = the_function['(level)']; data.functions.push(function_data); } if (unused.length > 0) { data.unused = unused; } if (undef.length > 0) { data.undefined = undef; } data.tokens = tokens; return data; }; itself.error_report = function (data) { var evidence, i, output = [], snippets, warning; if (data.errors) { if (data.json) { output.push('JSON: bad.' + evidence.entityify() + ''); } } } } if (data.unused || data.undefined) { output.push('
' + data.undefined[i].name +
' +
data.undefined[i]['function'] + ' ' +
String(data.undefined[i].line) + '';
output.push(snippets.join(', '));
output.push('' + data.unused[i].name + '
' +
data.unused[i].function + ' ' +
String(data.unused[i].line) + '';
output.push(snippets.join(', '));