import { RSVPComponent } from './rsvp-component.js' class RSVPButton extends RSVPComponent { constructor() { super() const btn = document.createElement('button') const slot = document.createElement('slot') btn.addEventListener('click', this.handleClick.bind(this)) btn.appendChild(slot) this._root.appendChild(btn) } handleClick(e) { this.fireEvent(this.getAttribute('action')) } } window.customElements.define('rsvp-button', RSVPButton) class RSVPControls extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super() const shadow = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' }) // const shadow = document.createElement('div') shadow.innerHTML = ` << < stop start > >> ` this._root = shadow // this.appendChild(shadow) } connectedCallback() { for (let button of this._root.querySelectorAll('button')) { button.addEventListener('click', e => { let action ='action') let evt = new CustomEvent('control-event', { bubbles: true, composed: true, detail: { action } }) this.dispatchEvent(evt) }) } } updateUI(chapter, player) { // this.getButton('prevSentence').disabled = !chapter.hasPrevSentence() // this.getButton('prevWord').disabled = !chapter.hasPrevWord() // this.getButton('nextWord').disabled = !chapter.hasNextWord() // this.getButton('nextSentence').disabled = !chapter.hasNextSentence() // this.getButton('playpause').innerText = player.playing ? 'pause' : 'start' } getButton(name) { for (let btn of this._root.querySelectorAll('button')) { if (btn.getAttribute('action') === name) { return btn } } return null } } window.customElements.define('rsvp-controls', RSVPControls)