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Test 38

Test bookmarklet.

To allow more efficient usage of paper, more regular appearance of right-side margins without requiring spacing adjustments, and to eliminate the need to erase hand-written long words begun near the end of a line that do not fit, words may be divided at the nearest breakpoint between syllables and a hyphen inserted to indicate that the letters form a word fragment, not a word.

To allow more ef­fi­cient usage of paper, more reg­u­lar ap­pear­ance of right-side mar­gins with­out re­quir­ing spac­ing ad­just­ments, and to elim­i­nate the need to erase hand-writ­ten long words begun near the end of a line that do not fit, words may be di­vided at the near­est break­point be­tween syl­la­bles and a hy­phen in­serted to in­di­cate that the let­ters form a word frag­ment, not a word.