@inproceedings{zakai2011emscripten, title={Emscripten: an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler}, author={Zakai, Alon}, booktitle={Proceedings of the ACM international conference companion on Object oriented programming systems languages and applications companion}, pages={301--312}, year={2011}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{haas2017bringing, title={Bringing the web up to speed with WebAssembly}, author={Haas, Andreas and Rossberg, Andreas and Schuff, Derek L and Titzer, Ben L and Holman, Michael and Gohman, Dan and Wagner, Luke and Zakai, Alon and Bastien, JF}, booktitle={ACM SIGPLAN Notices}, volume={52}, number={6}, pages={185--200}, year={2017}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{reiser2017accelerate, title={Accelerate JavaScript applications by cross-compiling to WebAssembly}, author={Reiser, Micha and Bl{\"a}ser, Luc}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Virtual Machines and Intermediate Languages}, pages={10--17}, year={2017}, organization={ACM} } @online{surma2018emscripting, author = {Das Surma}, title = {Emscripting a C library to Wasm}, date = {2018-03}, url = {https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/03/emscripting-a-c-library}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{surma2019replacing, author = {Das Surma}, title = {Replacing a hot path in your app's JavaScript with WebAssembly}, date = {2019-02}, url = {https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/hotpath-with-wasm}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{clark2017what, author = {Lin Clark}, title = {What makes WebAssembly fast?}, date = {2017-02-28}, url = {https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/02/what-makes-webassembly-fast/}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{zakai2019llvmbackend, author = {Zakai, Alon}, title = {Emscripten and the LLVM WebAssembly backend}, date = {2019-07-01}, url = {https://v8.dev/blog/emscripten-llvm-wasm}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{wagner2017support, author = {Luke Wagner}, title = {WebAssembly consensus and end of Browser Preview}, date = {2017-02-28}, url = {https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webassembly/2017Feb/0002.html}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{zakai2015webassembly, author = {Zakai, Alon}, title = {WebAssembly}, date = {2015-06-17}, url = {https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/emscripten-discuss/k-egXO7AkJY/discussion}, urldate= {2019-08-15} } @online{zakai2018emit, author = {Zakai, Alon}, title = {Emit WebAssembly by default}, date = {2018-05-10}, url = {https://github.com/emscripten-core/emscripten/pull/6419}, urldate= {2019-08-15} }