import cleanCoords from '@turf/clean-coords'; import clone from '@turf/clone'; import { geomEach } from '@turf/meta'; import { isObject } from '@turf/helpers'; import simplifyJS from './lib/simplify'; /** * Takes a {@link GeoJSON} object and returns a simplified version. Internally uses * [simplify-js]( to perform simplification using the Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm. * * @name simplify * @param {GeoJSON} geojson object to be simplified * @param {Object} [options={}] Optional parameters * @param {number} [options.tolerance=1] simplification tolerance * @param {boolean} [options.highQuality=false] whether or not to spend more time to create a higher-quality simplification with a different algorithm * @param {boolean} [options.mutate=false] allows GeoJSON input to be mutated (significant performance increase if true) * @returns {GeoJSON} a simplified GeoJSON * @example * var geojson = turf.polygon([[ * [-70.603637, -33.399918], * [-70.614624, -33.395332], * [-70.639343, -33.392466], * [-70.659942, -33.394759], * [-70.683975, -33.404504], * [-70.697021, -33.419406], * [-70.701141, -33.434306], * [-70.700454, -33.446339], * [-70.694274, -33.458369], * [-70.682601, -33.465816], * [-70.668869, -33.472117], * [-70.646209, -33.473835], * [-70.624923, -33.472117], * [-70.609817, -33.468107], * [-70.595397, -33.458369], * [-70.587158, -33.442901], * [-70.587158, -33.426283], * [-70.590591, -33.414248], * [-70.594711, -33.406224], * [-70.603637, -33.399918] * ]]); * var options = {tolerance: 0.01, highQuality: false}; * var simplified = turf.simplify(geojson, options); * * //addToMap * var addToMap = [geojson, simplified] */ function simplify(geojson, options) { // Optional parameters options = options || {}; if (!isObject(options)) throw new Error('options is invalid'); var tolerance = options.tolerance !== undefined ? options.tolerance : 1; var highQuality = options.highQuality || false; var mutate = options.mutate || false; if (!geojson) throw new Error('geojson is required'); if (tolerance && tolerance < 0) throw new Error('invalid tolerance'); // Clone geojson to avoid side effects if (mutate !== true) geojson = clone(geojson); geomEach(geojson, function (geom) { simplifyGeom(geom, tolerance, highQuality); }); return geojson; } /** * Simplifies a feature's coordinates * * @private * @param {Geometry} geometry to be simplified * @param {number} [tolerance=1] simplification tolerance * @param {boolean} [highQuality=false] whether or not to spend more time to create a higher-quality simplification with a different algorithm * @returns {Geometry} output */ function simplifyGeom(geometry, tolerance, highQuality) { var type = geometry.type; // "unsimplyfiable" geometry types if (type === 'Point' || type === 'MultiPoint') return geometry; // Remove any extra coordinates cleanCoords(geometry, true); var coordinates = geometry.coordinates; switch (type) { case 'LineString': geometry['coordinates'] = simplifyLine(coordinates, tolerance, highQuality); break; case 'MultiLineString': geometry['coordinates'] = (lines) { return simplifyLine(lines, tolerance, highQuality); }); break; case 'Polygon': geometry['coordinates'] = simplifyPolygon(coordinates, tolerance, highQuality); break; case 'MultiPolygon': geometry['coordinates'] = (rings) { return simplifyPolygon(rings, tolerance, highQuality); }); } return geometry; } /** * Simplifies the coordinates of a LineString with simplify-js * * @private * @param {Array} coordinates to be processed * @param {number} tolerance simplification tolerance * @param {boolean} highQuality whether or not to spend more time to create a higher-quality * @returns {Array>} simplified coords */ function simplifyLine(coordinates, tolerance, highQuality) { return simplifyJS( (coord) { return {x: coord[0], y: coord[1], z: coord[2]}; }), tolerance, highQuality).map(function (coords) { return (coords.z) ? [coords.x, coords.y, coords.z] : [coords.x, coords.y]; }); } /** * Simplifies the coordinates of a Polygon with simplify-js * * @private * @param {Array} coordinates to be processed * @param {number} tolerance simplification tolerance * @param {boolean} highQuality whether or not to spend more time to create a higher-quality * @returns {Array>>} simplified coords */ function simplifyPolygon(coordinates, tolerance, highQuality) { return (ring) { var pts = (coord) { return {x: coord[0], y: coord[1]}; }); if (pts.length < 4) { throw new Error('invalid polygon'); } var simpleRing = simplifyJS(pts, tolerance, highQuality).map(function (coords) { return [coords.x, coords.y]; }); //remove 1 percent of tolerance until enough points to make a triangle while (!checkValidity(simpleRing)) { tolerance -= tolerance * 0.01; simpleRing = simplifyJS(pts, tolerance, highQuality).map(function (coords) { return [coords.x, coords.y]; }); } if ( (simpleRing[simpleRing.length - 1][0] !== simpleRing[0][0]) || (simpleRing[simpleRing.length - 1][1] !== simpleRing[0][1])) { simpleRing.push(simpleRing[0]); } return simpleRing; }); } /** * Returns true if ring has at least 3 coordinates and its first coordinate is the same as its last * * @private * @param {Array} ring coordinates to be checked * @returns {boolean} true if valid */ function checkValidity(ring) { if (ring.length < 3) return false; //if the last point is the same as the first, it's not a triangle return !(ring.length === 3 && ((ring[2][0] === ring[0][0]) && (ring[2][1] === ring[0][1]))); } export default simplify;