import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import load from 'load-json-file'; import Benchmark from 'benchmark'; import simplify from './'; const directory = path.join(__dirname, 'test', 'in') + path.sep; const fixtures = fs.readdirSync(directory).map(filename => { return { name: path.parse(filename).name, geojson: load.sync(directory + filename) }; }); /** * Single Process Benchmark * * argentina: 4.695ms * featurecollection: 1.647ms * fiji-hiQ: 0.461ms * geometrycollection: 3.332ms * linestring: 0.460ms * multilinestring: 0.657ms * multipoint: 0.193ms * multipolygon: 6.108ms * point: 0.032ms * poly-issue#555-5: 4.956ms * polygon: 0.675ms * simple-polygon: 2.735ms */ for (const {name, geojson} of fixtures) { let {tolerance, highQuality} = || {}; tolerance = tolerance || 0.01; highQuality = highQuality || false; console.time(name); simplify(geojson, tolerance, highQuality); console.timeEnd(name); } /** * Benchmark Results * * argentina x 13,380 ops/sec ±4.31% (72 runs sampled) * featurecollection x 4,709 ops/sec ±2.24% (76 runs sampled) * fiji-hiQ x 41,197 ops/sec ±1.96% (80 runs sampled) * geometrycollection x 4,690 ops/sec ±2.25% (78 runs sampled) * linestring x 29,737 ops/sec ±2.26% (77 runs sampled) * multilinestring x 20,530 ops/sec ±2.08% (77 runs sampled) * multipoint x 394,980 ops/sec ±2.35% (77 runs sampled) * multipolygon x 809 ops/sec ±3.32% (70 runs sampled) * point x 5,157,027 ops/sec ±8.79% (72 runs sampled) * poly-issue#555-5 x 1,816 ops/sec ±2.43% (66 runs sampled) * polygon x 2,996 ops/sec ±2.85% (74 runs sampled) * simple-polygon x 369 ops/sec ±7.55% (66 runs sampled) */ const suite = new Benchmark.Suite('turf-transform-simplify'); for (const {name, geojson} of fixtures) { let {tolerance, highQuality} = || {}; tolerance = tolerance || 0.01; highQuality = highQuality || false; suite.add(name, () => simplify(geojson, tolerance, highQuality)); } suite .on('cycle', e => console.log(String( .on('complete', () => {}) .run();