# benchmarking app This is the web application to test the simplification libraries on different devices. It is implemented as a npm project. To build the project and run the developent server `npm` and `nodejs` are required. - Install dependencies: `npm install` - Run the development server: `npm run serve` - Build the app: `npm run build` ## Structure Important files: - `.babelrc`: Configuration of the transpiler "babel" - `.prettierrc`: Configuration of the code formatter "Prettier" - `package.json`: Listing project information, scripts and dependencies - `webpack.config.js` Configuration of the asset bundler "webpack" Important folders: - `public`: Static files. Entrypoints for pages. Stylesheets - `results`: The prepared results in json format. The index.js gathers all for importing them in JavaScript. - `src`: JavaScript source files ## Structure of the JavaScript source files There are three entry points for the three web pages built: - `index.js`: The main app for benchmarking. - `loadChart.js`: Loading a previously saved chart file to display the interactive chart. - `results.js`: Interactive overview for the prepared results `loadChart.js` and `results.js` are mostly self-contained or only require external dependencies. Via `index.js` the other JavaScript files are imported. Folders in the `src` folder: - `benchmarkCases`: Implementation of the several cases that are benchmarked - `benchmarks`: The three benchmark types and the benchmark suite. - `components`: The React UI-components - `data`: The three data sets.