You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
2.1 KiB

"""Solution for 2020/24"""
from collections import defaultdict
instructions = []
with open('input', 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
i = 0
instruction = []
while i < len(line):
if line[i] in ['w', 'e']:
i += 1
i += 1
'e': (1, 0),
'w': (-1, 0),
'ne': (0, 1),
'sw': (0, -1),
'nw': (-1, 1),
'se': (1, -1),
MOVES = 100
def main():
flipped_tiles = defaultdict(int)
for instruction in instructions:
coord = parse_instruction(instruction)
flipped_tiles[coord] += 1
print(''.join(instruction), coord)
blacks = set([x[0] for x in flipped_tiles.items() if x[1] % 2 == 1])
for day in range(MOVES):
new_blacks = set()
bbox = get_bbox(blacks)
for x in range(bbox[0] - 1, bbox[2] + 2):
for y in range(bbox[1] - 1, bbox[3] + 2):
coord = (x, y)
neighbors = get_neighbors(coord)
adj_blacks = len([x for x in neighbors if x in blacks])
is_black = coord in blacks
if is_black and adj_blacks in [1, 2]:
elif not is_black and adj_blacks == 2:
blacks = new_blacks
print(f'Day {day+1:>3}: {len(blacks)}')
def parse_instruction(instruction):
coord = (0, 0)
for move in instruction:
dx, dy = MOVEMENTS[move]
coord = (coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy)
return coord
def get_bbox(coords):
x_coords = list(map(lambda coord: coord[0], coords))
y_coords = list(map(lambda coord: coord[1], coords))
return min(x_coords), min(y_coords), max(x_coords), max(y_coords)
def get_neighbors(coord):
neigh = []
for dx, dy in MOVEMENTS.values():
neigh.append((coord[0] + dx, coord[1] + dy))
return neigh