u8glib ChangeLog

2012-01-01      v0.01   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * first beta release for Arduino IDE with simple SSD1325 support
2012-01-04      v0.02   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * support for some more display types
2012-01-07      v0.03   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * fixed some bugs, added more examples
2012-01-07      v0.04   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * single font file
2012-01-08      v0.05   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Cleanup
  * More examples
  * SSD1325 graylevel support
2012-01-15      v0.06   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * LM6063 support
2012-01-17      v0.07   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * LM6063 support (update)
2012-01-19      v0.08   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * ST7920 beta device
2012-01-21      v0.09   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * ST7920 fixed (192x32)
  * fixed bug in com layer if pins are none
  * str reference position
2012-01-22      v0.10   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Experimental LM6059 
2012-01-24      v0.11   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * new st7920 memory layout for 128x64 lcd
  * experimental st7920 SPI
2012-01-25      v0.12   Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * fixed st7920 memory layout for 128x64 lcd
  * ST7920 SPI performance improvement
2012-01-27	v0.13	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * LM6059 (Adafruit Display) fixed
2012-02-01	v0.14	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * undoRotation()
  * setRot..() can be used without restrictions
  * Class U8GLIB derived from Print class. New function "print" 
  * Fixed memory index bug in the page management procedures
2012-02-12      v1.00	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * XBM support
  * F() macro support
  * str-rotation commands support ref-height and ref-position
2012-03-17      v1.02	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * U8GLIB_ST7687_C144MVGD spi experimental
  * U8GLIB_LC7981_160X80 8bit
  * Intersection test for frame and box procedures
  * 4L double memory architecture  
  * setContrast infrastructure implemented, but not available for all devices
  * drawCircle, drawDisc
  * Bugfix for drawStr270
  * New examples: Chess (ported from dogm128 lib) and GraphicsTest
2012-03-31      v1.03	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * experimental parallel mode atmega
  * more unifont code pages
  * double memory, for NHD OLED and DOGXL160
  * "Menu" example
  * drawLine
2012-04-13      v1.04	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Adjust U8grelease: Same version number with AVR and Arduino variant
2012-06-10	v1.05	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * m2icon font
  * experimental lc7981_240x64 device
  * experimental ssd1306
  * experimental ssd1322
  * Hardware state backup/restore procedure
2012-06-15	v1.06	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * SBN1661 (SED1520?) support
  * SSD1306 support
  * U8G_PROGMEM bugfix
2012-07-04	v1.07	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Added Makefiles for AVR release (issue 77)
  * Fixed examples for Arduino Environment (issue 78)
2012-10-02	v1.08	Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Improved delay calculation for strobe pulse (issue 20)
  * Support Chipkit (issue 39)
  * Improved speed for ST7920 parallel mode (issue 79)
  * Overall speed optimization (new page intersection algorithm)
  * Support for Displays Newhaven NHD-C12864, CrystalFontz GFAG20232, Seeedstudio 96x96 OLED
  * Added SPI support for ST7920 with plain AVR (issue 85)
  * Add more LC7981 devices
2012-12-23	v1.09	  Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Support for Displaytech 64128n
  * Support for MINI12864
  * HW SPI for ST7920
  * Add delay after sending a byte with (ST7920 com)
  * Support ATTiny
  * Support I2C for SSD1306
  * bdf2u8g, Windows executable released
  * LC7981 320x64
  * Scalue up: u8g::setScale2x2
  * Added more bitmap fonts
  * u8g::drawRBox(), u8g::drawRFrame()
  * Support for CFAG20232 (st7920_202x32)
  * Fixed ST7920 SW SPI for ChipKit
  * Support for tls8204
2013-02-02	v1.10	  Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Support for SSD1309
  * Support for NHD-C12832A1Z 
  * Bugfix: Fixed reset controll in parallel modes
  * Bugfix: Fixed calculation of cursor position
  * Bugfix: ST7920 parallel mode
2013-03-2	v1.11	  Oliver Kraus <olikraus@gmail.com>
  * Support for T6963
  * Support for Arduino Due
  * Sleep Mode
  * 4x mode for ST7920
  * New C++ interface for ST7920